Xbox Fitness - [XO, Kinect]

I only lack the space in my room to use it effectively but it could become a selling point for some people.

Other than that, I seem to defy the stereotype that people who has video gaming consoles are "not healthy" or "don't care about themselves." Also, I must say, many, if not most, of the people I know, are in poor shape and don't care that much about themselves -some go jogging though or use the bike regularly- or their appearance...

We should start a whole new stereotype. At least in my case I don't care that much about my nutrition and what I eat, according to some people around me, simply because I drink too much milk and my diet is not varied at all. Maybe they are right, but I got used to it. Other than that, I have always had a kind of slim body, with long limbs.
Everyone should exercise, including weight bearing exercise (body weight is good enough). No exceptions. This kind of product is good. A lot of people are uncomfortable going to gyms. This allows you to start at home. P90X and Insanity are really expensive. Sure, you can download the videos illegally, but having free access (for a while) at the convenience of your console, and having Kinect to give you some feedback is a big win.
I agree on JM not being a selling point.

It was what I envisioned happening with the OG Kinect so I'm happy to see it coming. Unfortunately, it looks like they are using the original P90X and Insanity videos instead of something developed specifically for Kinect 2.
Everyone should exercise, including weight bearing exercise (body weight is good enough). No exceptions. This kind of product is good. A lot of people are uncomfortable going to gyms. This allows you to start at home. P90X and Insanity are really expensive. Sure, you can download the videos illegally, but having free access (for a while) at the convenience of your console, and having Kinect to give you some feedback is a big win.

I finished the first month of Insanity to include the recovery week before having to pack up the house for a move. Buying a new house, but will resume (or maybe start over Insanity). This will arrive just in time for the new house assuming I pick up an X1.

Long term goal is to incorporate the Insanity-P90X hybrid from
I agree on JM not being a selling point.

It was what I envisioned happening with the OG Kinect so I'm happy to see it coming. Unfortunately, it looks like they are using the original P90X and Insanity videos instead of something developed specifically for Kinect 2.

My guess is they'll have a subscription or a flat rate for new programs. I guess for people who have already done P90X and Insanity, it might not seem that interesting. Considering the tens of millions (or more) out-of-shape gamers out there, this is a pretty nice add. Hopefully they won't turn their nose up at it to chug Mountain Dew and Doritos while playing endless hours of Call of Duty 12 or Final Fantasy 65. You know, the "I don't want to exercise in my living room, I'd rather go to a real gym" type, that never actually goes to a real gym or does anything remotely close to exercise. For owners of the Xbox One, it looks like there will be no excuse minus physical disability and medical conditions.

They've got a bunch of high-profile trainers, including the guys that did P90X and Insanity. It will be free to gold subscribers for a while. Jillian Michaels is not a selling point.

Laugh all you want, but if it's anything like P90X and Insanity, it's legit. I will definitely make use of this on days when I'm not going to the gym.
I made a hypothesis that such service could be a killer app for casual and core, MSFT did not miss the opportunity, let see how it turns.
It is pretty neat,right now I'm hesitating between doing grav maga or get started with crossfit. I wish I could do both but I don't have the budget.
Now for ~60$ a year that could be interesting especially as those 60$ enable other functions.

BadTB25 how insanity training went? I'm a bit wary about super intensive training, and fast gains.
I'm scared of unwanted consequences (like tendinitis,or hit your heart too hard, or any other injuries) and wonder if the result lasts. I was doing climbing, I gained muscles slowly (and not big muscles), I had to stop but it took a long while for the strength to disappear.
Be very wary if you go crossfit. Make sure the trainers are real trainers and know what they're doing.

I wonder if this is a platform that fitness people can plug into. Say a new brand of workout video comes out. Would they be able to make a dlc add on
My guess is they'll have a subscription or a flat rate for new programs. I guess for people who have already done P90X and Insanity, it might not seem that interesting. Considering the tens of millions (or more) out-of-shape gamers out there, this is a pretty nice add. Hopefully they won't turn their nose up at it to chug Mountain Dew and Doritos while playing endless hours of Call of Duty 12 or Final Fantasy 65. You know, the "I don't want to exercise in my living room, I'd rather go to a real gym" type, that never actually goes to a real gym or does anything remotely close to exercise. For owners of the Xbox One, it looks like there will be no excuse minus physical disability and medical conditions.

Read the comments below the video on youtube... everyone you just described is posting their "thoughts" if you can call them that.
Read the comments below the video on youtube... everyone you just described is posting their "thoughts" if you can call them that.

I didn't have to read it to see that coming.

Exercising is just part of being a responsible human being. Anyone that's lived through their early 20s should have figured that out. And anyone that says they don't have 30 minutes a day to exercise, especially a person with gaming as a hobby, is full of shit. Especially people with kids. They owe it to their kids to stay alive and healthy. Unfortunately the gaming community (at least the vocal minority that cruises forums and youtube comments) still sees exercising as a "jock" activity. Hopefully they get over it. A fun and interactive exercise program could be exactly what the world needs. Getting a DVD set to follow is great, but some people need that little bit of feedback and reward to keep them going. Kinect should be able to give some feedback and you can tie in all kinds of rewards and progress charts. What they need is for time spent on Xbox Fitness to unlock items in an mmorpg or something. Exercise 5 times in a week and get a new pair of shoes for your elf, or a bunch of virtual cement for building walls. There are a lot of people that are intimidated by gyms. If this helps them out, then I'm all for it. If you're a competitive gym rat, and you think this product is dumb for you, it doesn't mean it's dumb for someone else.
BadTB25 how insanity training went? I'm a bit wary about super intensive training, and fast gains.
I'm scared of unwanted consequences (like tendinitis,or hit your heart too hard, or any other injuries) and wonder if the result lasts. I was doing climbing, I gained muscles slowly (and not big muscles), I had to stop but it took a long while for the strength to disappear.

For context, before I started Insanity I was already running 3-5 times a week between 3-5 miles each session. I supplement the run with 3 sets of push-ups and sit-ups of about 30 to 40 reps. On some days I do a cross-fit workout that includes lots of lunges, squats, body-builders, planks and other calisthenics.

I thought I was pretty prepared for Insanity, but felt that the very first workout (fit test) kicked my butt. The thing is about Insanity is it's really how hard you push yourself. It does allow you to take breaks if you need them, but encourages you to minimize and get back into the sets as fast as you can.

If you try it, you'll see that the warm-up already feels like a good workout and may get you a little winded. The biggest issue is there is a lot of high impact moves that utilize big muscle groups in your legs. I also get shin splints often and found some of the workouts a little painful even though it does go away if you can tolerate and push through it. I'm not very flexible and found that the program helps tremendously.

My recommendation is if you don't regularly work out is to build up to it. Build up some stamina and endurance first and work on upper body strength and core before you tackle this program. Honestly some days I dreaded getting started, but you'll find once you get a little warmed up that your motivation stays high to the end----won't lie, during the intense cardio workouts, you'll be watching the clock to make it to the cool down.

Never got to the 2nd portion after the recovery week because of I was moving stateside, but friends that have, tells me it is INTENSE!!!--can't wait.

This and Killer Instinct really pushes me to consider getting an X1 soonish.
OK, this is the first thing I've seen so far that makes me want to get a next gen console.

Currently I walk (vigorously) 6-10 miles a day. Supplement that with 260-280 reps on crunches and leg lifts (did wonders to remove ~6-8 inches from my waist in less than 4 months, had to gradually work up to it) as well as a variable amount of pushups and pullups and some work with Kinect v.1 (what got me started on the whole thing). Went from being grossly out of shape at around 250 pounds with a huge belly to being in pretty decent shape with noticeable definition in arms, legs, chest, and abdominals and ~180 pounds. Best feeling in the world.

But with winter coming up, I'm unlikely to continue those outdoor activities. I'm old and my bones and joints do NOT like cold weather.

So, I was hoping to see something exercise oriented for Kinect v.2. This certainly looks interesting. I hope there's more to come though. One of things about Kinect v.1 is that after a while using the same program just gets boring and motivation starts to wane.

And I can't agree with Scott more. People, especially computer and console gamers, REALLY need to exercise more. When I see complaints about how usng motion controls for games is too exhausting and tiring, I can't help but think those people need to get more exercise. :) Hell, I used to be one of those.

Now, just to annoy some of my lazier gamer friends, I always park as far from the entrance to the store/mall/movie theater/etc. as I can to force them to walk their lazy asses to where we are going. :D

LOL, I tried one of the free Jillian Micheals "10 minute quick workouts" on the XBone and it kind of kicked my ass. Definitely got me sweating and my heart rate up. I typically run 16-20 miles a week and road cycle 100 miles a week, so I'm not a fat ass couch potato. These workouts are legit.
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P90X with exclusive Xbox One content, $60. I don't know much about P90X. I know the dvd sets are expensive. Not sure how the content compares between the X1 version and the DVD version.

I'll have to give it a look once more info is available.

I've done the existing P90X workouts on Xbox Fitness as well as the entire normal P90X workout program. Xbox Fitness is what motivated me to start working out again.

They originally only had 2 programs available, "Plyometrics" and also "Shoulders and Arms" on Xbox Fitness. The kinect sensor was sometimes hit and miss on the floor exercises. Some workouts it would track everything perfectly and other times it wouldn't track certain moves until a forced cold reboot of the system. Very odd behavior.

I'm in week 11 of P90X3 now. I enjoy it substantially more than the original P90X program. I hope the 5 new workouts are more like the X3 set, where its not an entire hour (95 minutes for Yoga), but 30 minutes including a 2 - 3 minute warmup and 27 - 28 minutes of grueling hell. The cool down time is not counted in the 30 minutes. They cram the moves in without much of an explanation or guide on how to do them, so you really need to watch / rewind and rewatch the X3 workouts before you can effectively do the workout. Some of it taking out the lulls of P90X but a good bit of it is restructuring the exercises to be more effective. There's some moves in X3 that really kick my ass even now. I dropped 25 lbs and built muscle since starting.

It will be interesting to see what they replace the upper body workouts with since those focus on pull ups / chin ups and the mix which would be nearly impossible to have kinect able to be positioned near your pull up bar.

I also tried a couple of the other Xbox fitness workouts and they're now slouches either. They have some decent cardio programs.

It'll be interesting to see what they have setup for this now.
I think it's great they haven't given up on Xbox Fitness. Sounds like they have more content on the way from the announcement. Hopefully they can reach an audience that normally wouldn't work out.
T25 hopefully. I did up to the 2nd week of the 2nd half of Insanity and need something that doesn't take a lot of time, but keeps me fit.

This year I only did a 1:3 ratio of run:insanity workouts. Even though I ran about a 1/3 of the time I normally train, my run time improved 20 seconds per mile over a 3-5 mile run.

Felt that I was overly more fit as well.
I'll have to give it a look once more info is available.

I've done the existing P90X workouts on Xbox Fitness as well as the entire normal P90X workout program. Xbox Fitness is what motivated me to start working out again.

They originally only had 2 programs available, "Plyometrics" and also "Shoulders and Arms" on Xbox Fitness. The kinect sensor was sometimes hit and miss on the floor exercises. Some workouts it would track everything perfectly and other times it wouldn't track certain moves until a forced cold reboot of the system. Very odd behavior.

I'm in week 11 of P90X3 now. I enjoy it substantially more than the original P90X program. I hope the 5 new workouts are more like the X3 set, where its not an entire hour (95 minutes for Yoga), but 30 minutes including a 2 - 3 minute warmup and 27 - 28 minutes of grueling hell. The cool down time is not counted in the 30 minutes. They cram the moves in without much of an explanation or guide on how to do them, so you really need to watch / rewind and rewatch the X3 workouts before you can effectively do the workout. Some of it taking out the lulls of P90X but a good bit of it is restructuring the exercises to be more effective. There's some moves in X3 that really kick my ass even now. I dropped 25 lbs and built muscle since starting.

It will be interesting to see what they replace the upper body workouts with since those focus on pull ups / chin ups and the mix which would be nearly impossible to have kinect able to be positioned near your pull up bar.

I also tried a couple of the other Xbox fitness workouts and they're now slouches either. They have some decent cardio programs.

It'll be interesting to see what they have setup for this now.

I'm doing P90X3 also. Wrapping up week 1. So far so good. My pullups have been non existant for a few years so I knew I'd suck on those. Started off with sets of 8 and ended the workout with sets of 2 :( lol

Just did T25 before this (incl. Gamma) and last year I did Insanity twice in a row which was waaaay too much.

So far I have to say, T25 is the easiest but extremely well done but once you're in decent shape P90X3 is the next step. T25 would be *the* perfect workout to have on Xbox Fitness.

Insanity is all push muscles and no real workout for your pull muscles. It's also too taxing and I think it's counter productive to maximizing the workout. Your body starts breaking down.
Need to find some adjustable dumb bells and bands for P30X, but after that I'm ready to go.

Sad that they didn't implement Ab Ripper X, but perhaps we'll see it in the future.

This will be my first real attempt at P90x, I normally try to do it without weights but it's just not the same!

As for works outs that nearly had me dead on the floor.
Some of Jillian Michaels one came close, but the Tracy Anderson one, damn, I nearly vomited from dizziness, and I didn't complete it and I was only 25 minutes in
I'm doing P90X3 also. Wrapping up week 1. So far so good. My pullups have been non existant for a few years so I knew I'd suck on those. Started off with sets of 8 and ended the workout with sets of 2 :( lol

Just did T25 before this (incl. Gamma) and last year I did Insanity twice in a row which was waaaay too much.

So far I have to say, T25 is the easiest but extremely well done but once you're in decent shape P90X3 is the next step. T25 would be *the* perfect workout to have on Xbox Fitness.

Insanity is all push muscles and no real workout for your pull muscles. It's also too taxing and I think it's counter productive to maximizing the workout. Your body starts breaking down.

Thanks for the T25 impressions. It's probably what works best for my schedule.
I hope they add this to Xbox Fitness. If MS is smart, they'd try to work a deal with Beachbody that brings exclusive content for all their products.