The reason why Israel has so much territory is do to the 1967/73 wars. The nations of Islam brought their current state on themselves.
I am personally growing tired of hearing all of this nonsensical propaganda being spouted around the web.
People constantly try and demonize the Israelies (much like socialist demonization of american capitalism
). If you compare histories you would realize the nations of islam are notorious for violence in the form of terrorism. The acts of terrorism commited by islamic nations far outway those of their adversaries (this includes the jews, sihks, and hindus).
Honestly, are the israelies really mistreating all these poor palestinians? I have not seen much evidence of this. Most of what i have heard in the media can be explained away easily as most offensives were in response to attacks.
What was that crack about the budget of Israel? Because Israel has such money it must share it with the rest of the world? Think again marx, socialists plans won't help to revive economy. You have to be able to sell products to that. Socialism can't survive/thrive without free markets.
I personally believe the Isrealies have the right to defend the sovereignty of their land in whatever way they see fit.
Ozy let us not forget the islamic nations have broken treaties concerning ME peace. I don't see the "illegal" actions on part of israel as anything but self-defense.