Xbox 2nd Anniversary: Halo Deluxe Edition for Xbox Live?


Agent of the Bat
This is a rumor I found today while visiting my new favorite game industry site:

Looks like it's possible that Microsoft might announce in 3 days(Nov. 15) that they're going to release an Xbox Live version of Halo. Pretty good article. You can read it here...

Halo Deluxe - Microsoft's secret weapon for Christmas?
Rob Fahey - 11/12/2003

Doing a simple search for "Halo Deluxe Edition" on Google, I found the following URL. Interesting proof, but I don't see anything that says its for the Xbox, much less Xbox Live.

If you the search engine on their site, you can find there are other Prima guides coming for the Xbox. For example, Unreal II: The Awakening, Mafia and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. These aren't particularly new, but it's an interesting way of finding out when new games are coming.

BTW, I found that DelRey is releasing another Halo novel in December called Halo: First Strike. Find it here...

Guess I might have something to keep me busy till Halo 2 comes out.

Tommy McClain
Just read that and was thinking the same thing. If it's true, I wouldn't be suprised it if sold 500,000 copies. Not to mention just in time for the xbox live subscriptions to be renewed. Not that it matters I have 5 xbox live games as it is right now, so I'll be renewing :)
Good site there, thanks for the link, seems to be a keeper! A Halo Deluxe edition seems to be infinetly more likely than those ridiculous Halo 2 rumors. I'd still be a little surprised to see them put resources into such a title, they could've peobably better been used in finishing/polishing Halo 2 instead, but maybe I'm underestimating the demand for a "true" online Halo. Anyway, the date is not too far off and we'll find out soon enough.
Reading from Gaming Age forum, it is simply a rumor.

MS denied it. And the guide book publisher said that the new "Deluxe" guide is just a revised and updated version.

edit: quotes


Internet gun-jumping comedy exposed as reissued strategy guide grinds web to a halt

16:59 Current rumour sweeping the Web would have you believe that Microsoft is set to make a shock announcement that it is to release a special online version of original Halo for Xbox this Christmas entitled: Halo Deluxe Edition.
These rumours ostensibly stem from two elements: 1) Microsoft may be set to make a key announcement on November 15 to celebrate the second anniversary of Xbox, and 2) has a listing for a Halo Deluxe Edition strategy guide, running to 168 pages and due for release this December.

Putting two and two together and making roughly three million and six, the amazing Internet Lie-O-Tron processed this information and vomited it out as proof that Microsoft was set to release an online version of the original Halo for this Christmas.

However, having made inquiries, we can now reveal that Halo Deluxe Edition is - drum roll! - an updated reissue of the original Prima Halo strategy guide. Ah. A spokesperson for Prima confirmed to us it was an update of the original, stating: "It's a new item that's been added to our schedule in the last couple of weeks. It's due to ship on November 26 and set to hit US stores on December 9; the European version should follow soon after." It's believed that the reissue is a straightforward tactic to take advantage of potential new Xbox owners this holiday season.

We contacted Microsoft for comment, but a spokesperson would only say: "This is a rumour and it s not our policy to comment on rumours." However, a highly placed Microsoft source, operating under conditions of anonymity, laughed off the suggestion of online Halo: "It would be corporate suicide for us to release such a title - why would we want to do anything to undermine the release of Halo 2 [which is fully online] next year?" Quite.

So, er, if you fancy a new strategy guide, you're in luck; but dreams of an online version of Halo will have to be set aside until the release of Halo, likely next April. However, none of this discounts the possibility of a major Microsoft announcement on November 15, so we'll keep you posted.

Thanks for the quote and details. Guess you're right. Will be interesting to hear what Microsoft has in store for the 2nd anniversary. Better not be something we've already heard coming, unless of course it's Halo2. ;)

Tommy McClain
AzBat said:

I am happy to know that you know the one (nickname) that I wanted to use before it become maskrider.

Masked Rider is Japanese Kamen Raida, I want that originally, but it was occupied on quite some places, that's why I took "Maskrider".
maskrider said:
AzBat said:

I am happy to know that you know the one (nickname) that I wanted to use before it become maskrider.

Masked Rider is Japanese Kamen Raida, I want that originally, but it was occupied on quite some places, that's why I took "Maskrider".

Oops, I'm sorry I messed it up. It was purely unintentional. I did however find the background info on your nickname very interesting. It's always interesting to hear details on why people pick different nicknames. Mine comes from reading Batman comics during the time Bruce got replaced by Azrael. I really liked the new Batman armor/costume and hence the nickname. ;)

Tommy McClain