Xbox 20% jump in revenue!

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They don't have to need a big game seller to make a profit, as they and other console always make money off every game sold. They make between 8-11 dollars off every game. In othe rwords if your install base reaches a good point, you could still be loosing tons of cash on the hardware and make it all back on software sales.

Also what this doesn't take into account is the people already working on xbox 2. I already know of some people invovled with this.
Qroach said:
Also what this doesn't take into account is the people already working on xbox 2. I already know of some people invovled with this.

If anything, that would mean more money coming out of MS's pockets....
Of course. Adding to the loss. That's the point of what I was saying. It's no different from Sony imcreasing spending on development of PS3. Even if the xbox division still shows a loss, there's a large percentage of that attributed to xbox 2.
Qroach said:
That's the point of what I was saying. It's not different from Sony imcreasing spending on development of PS3.

Oh sorry, it sounded like the opposite. Yes they are both long-term investments. Big ones as well. :D
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