John Reynolds said:
Don't worry bud, I laughed when I posted my first responce to. Untill I remembered your a parent. Which is scary when you realize how your not looking at the dynamics of these issues, but rather just this simplistic view. And even worse when your position is sheer inconsistent as in the case of the Janet Jackson and Bush issues. But hey, keep thinking it's just about a "nipple" while attacking the administration for their not upholding the citizen's trust.
I remember a press conference Dubya held early last year, during which he was asked where the evidence of Saddam possessing WMDs was. His reply? "The American people know Saddam has WMD."
And how was this a case of "premeditated lying" again? The statements are all based in facts of the time and the view of the intelligence community of a whole. Did you even hear what David Kay and George Tenet just said? I feel like I'm talking to a college kid working in the Dean campaign.
clean environment = less restrictions on corporations, no child left behind = underfunded program in which children no longer learn but are merely prepped for passing tests, the warr on terror = going after a dictator after having your intelligence scrubbed by the OSP and yet having no strong evidence he was involved with terrorism or possessed WMD, naming a panel to investigate your intelligence failure = ordering said panel's findings not be published until after the elections even though they would be of paramount importance to the elections.
Yeah, I was right about who I'm talking to. I just love the Liberal talking point regurgitation.

Although, I particularly like how you "prep" kids for tests, but don't actually teach them.

Gotta love that ability to pass tests without knowing how to do the problems, I suppose the Bush Administrations proposal had a section where they finance the teaching of cheat/crib-sheet production and probabilistic answer selection. LMAO! What a f-ing joke.
As for those who voted for the war, why did they also vote for the Patriot Act? Or is that a fine piece of legislature and leadership in your opinion too?
Wow! Never heard this one before. What's even funnier is I bet you never even read the actual Act; here's a hint for ya bud... that's a good starting point. Not that such ignorance surprises me, I usually figure the discussion's downhill when someone brings up the Patriot Act (Unless your Natoma of course

). Although, I bet you also never heard comments from liberal democrats such as:
Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Cal) said:
[Sen. Feinstein] thinks there is ''substantial uncertainty and perhaps some ignorance about what this bill actually does do and how it has been employed.'' She added, ''I have never had a single abuse of the Patriot Act reported me. My staff e-mailed the ACLU and asked them for instances of actual abuses. They e-mailed back and they had none'
Or even more to the point, as Sen. Biden (D-Del) who is no stranger to ripping conservatives apart at every possible oppertunity has stated:
Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del) said:
Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DEL) has put it well: “The FBI could get a wiretap to investigate the Mafia, but they could not get one to investigate terrorists. To put it bluntly, that was crazy! What's good for the mob should be good for terrorists.â€
But, the scary Patriot Act will take away all our Civil Liberties because some wacko conspiracy-theorists and extreme left/right wing asses said so... right.
And of the two, how can any sane, reasonable person compare one person lying about sex and the other lying about war?
I already layed out the rational and a parallel. You have yet to respond with an actual responce not filled with this bullshit rhetoric. I don't expect much.
Personally I think that panel will find that Bush has no intelligence.
He wouldn't be the only one.