Aivansama said:
We've had breasts on TV for ages in Finland. I guess we're just slow, but we've not had goatse or tubgirl on TV yet.
No, you just have cases in said progressive countries where one could state that such open sexuality breeds a culture which has a loss of moral, values, family structure, belief, sincerity and has gone too far into excesses.
Take Sweden and their
recent increase in the numbers of animals who go to the vet with sex-induced injuries ever since they decided to ban child porn. I mean shit, who would have thought.

But at least that only affects the person, not countless others on prime time. Who cares what someone does in their own home?
But, yet, what's most scary to me are people like John Reynolds (which is even more scary when you consider that he's a pops) who will bash the administration on some level for
"Lying to the public" - a charge which has all but been dismissed my any serious observer - but don't have the moral clarity, intelligence, whatever it is, to see that fundamentally the charge against the Bush administration and Janet Jackson are one in the same:
Intent & Trust.
We trust entities such as the Intelligence Community with our security. We put faith in them to properly inform the elected leaders so that they may use this insight to make the most prudent decisions regarding the defense of ourselves, our families and our fellow citizens.
We also put trust, put faith, in entities like CBS to provide us with content which has been properly marked so that parents can make the best decision for what their children view. Just as it's the President's duty to protect the American People under his watch, until a child turns 18 (and in my view for the rest of their life) it's a parents job to protect and guide their children.
In both cases there was a fundamantal breakdown in the passing of information, the knowledge of what's really going down, to the people who hold the right to know. And in both cases, people with the power - the parents and president - made choices on faulty knowledge. And that's bullshit in both cases, and in both cases heads will and should role.
Focusing on just Jackson now, it doesn't matter if it's a nipple or they have a freakin' 15 person gay orgy on stage. We all agree that each person has their own views as to what's acceptable and for that very reason we've set bounds and requirements to empower parents and viewers. By allowing this, and on the most widely viewed TV program bar none, is unacceptable on the now known condition that it was premeditated and the intent behind it was for yet more shameless self promotion.
So, at the end of the day it is nothing but
trust. God-bless the FCC, I hope they rip her a new asshole over this. Because, personally, I don't believe in global/societal responsibility for problems which stem from the family and I don't believe in the censoring of media and art. I want to make the choice of what videogame my kids play and what TV they're allowed to watch. As your own person, with your own beliefs and morals which I respect that you hold, I don't care what you let yours watch as long as it doesn't prevent my ability to raise my family.
FUDie said:
Look at the woman in the Miss Brazil contest who accidently removed her bathing suit when taking off her sarong. Did people start talking about suing her? Of course not, because they have more sense than the average American.
And if that was an accident, then what can you do? It happens and I don't think you'll find many people, of any belief, who will say she should be sued. The difference is intent; Accidents happen... we all move on. Jackson confessed this was premeditated and she knowingly violated the trust of millions of viewers, the Network's name and herself for self-promotion. Big difference my friend.