For those telling Micky, to just sit down and have a heart to heart chat with his gal...
Believe me it's alot harder than just that. It's a step in the right direction, but it takes alot of work to get someone so wrapped up in jealousy, and this is coming from the guy who isn't allowed to place American McGee's Alice, because of it's "sexual undertones".
And for those telling him to just go get the game, that is only going to cause substancial harm to his relationship (if not to himself if he's not careful) but destroys just about any chance of her being accepting of it in any reasonable length of time.
Believe me it's no cake walk dealing with some who is soo obsessively jealouse (and irrational), my wife and I nearly split up a few years ago because of it, though she wasn't my wife at the time. It got so bad I refused to go out in public with her because I was always being accused of "checking out" the other girls.
her - "WHAT?! Is she hot or something?!"
me - <puts down Radeon/Geforce box>"Huh?"
her - "Her, over there, you were checking her out!"
me - "Huh? Who?"
You get the picture....
She can be the most loving, caring, wonderful person, until another female gets within 100ft of her man. At which point, duck and cover!
Edit: I forgot to add that through ALOT of those little heart to heart chats things have improved. I'm no longer interrogated about every female around, though sadly the ones in video games still seem to catch me a fair amount of flak. Still working on that detail. So just remember things can improve, but it takes alot of work.
So to those who are able to just tell their girl to, "get over it with the polygonal babes" and live to tell the story, I aplaud you. For the rest of us, I feel your pain.