Windows Vista Start Menu - love it or hate it?


Drunk Member
One of the features that I absolutely love in Vista is the new start menu.
Sure, it might not be as clear as XP if you browse through it with mouse, but the way I use it, I just love it.

I started using PC's in the 286-era with DOS, and used DOS 'till I upgraded to P3 / Katmai 450MHz, so I grew to love it over the time more and more.

Now, with Vista, even though it's not the same, I get back to writing things - I just press Windows-key and write the name of the application I wish to start, it's fun! If I forget the name, or don't know it, just knowing first letter or so is enough, the search will handle the rest and I just pick the right one from the ones it offers automaticly.

How about you - love it or hate it?
Only thing I don't like about it, is the Documents/Control Panel/Network,etc links on right hand side no longer have icons. Makes it hard to pick them out without reading the text first. Especially as there are so many
Only thing I don't like about it, is the Documents/Control Panel/Network,etc links on right hand side no longer have icons. Makes it hard to pick them out without reading the text first. Especially as there are so many

Luckily, you can customize it and remove those of 'em which you don't need :cool:
I already hated XP's start menu, this one I hate even more. But as already mentioned, I'll keep away from Vista this way or the other.
I already hated XP's start menu, this one I hate even more. But as already mentioned, I'll keep away from Vista this way or the other.

There's still the "classic start menu" option too for you ignorant fools who actually think the old is better :LOL:

I know there is, in XP at least. But the reason for me not to touch Vista with a stick is not the start menu. Definitely going Mac + console when XP doesn't do anymore.
I like the new 'Start' icon ;). Plus the Run/Search hybrid box is pretty nifty.

Overall I think the GUI has a much much more appealing look to it than XP's default mode.
I don't like it, seems rather unintuitive and unproductive except for the win key + app name feature.
Not a big fan myself, already do to much clicking as it is, so dont need something else to add to the work load. Overall prefer the older style, you can easily see where your going and is much faster to get back to where you were.

Though the icon in the bottom left does look vastly better than the digusting green thing whats there in Windows XP.

As for the search feature, dont need it as I know where all my files are, and can get there quickly. Theres also a thing called "shortcut".
Since I always know the name of the app I need I really like the windows key + start typing feature. Good stuff!