Windows NT and 2000 source code leaked?


I just found out about this in a news post of Hanners' over at EB:

Hanners said:
According to Neowin, yes:

Neowin has learned of shocking and potentially devastating news. It would appear that two packages are circulating on the internet, one being the source code to Windows 2000, and the other being the source code to Windows NT. At this time, it is hard to establish whether or not full code has leaked, and this will undoubtedly remain the situation until an attempt is made to compile them. Microsoft are currently unavailable for comment surrounding this leak so we have no official response from them at the time of writing.

This leak is a shock not only to Neowin, but to the wider IT industry. The ramifications of this leak are far reaching and devastating. This reporter does not wish to be sensationalist, but the number of industries and critical systems that are based around these technologies that could be damaged by new exploits found in this source code is something that doesn't bare thinking about.

Shocking stuff, if this turns out to be true. You can read the news for yourself here. Thanks to Jollemi for the heads-up.

oh dear...

I made a few queries to *ahem* "my connections" and right now it seems to be the real thing.
It looks quite real. Me, I wouldn't look at it even if someone dropped it in front of me on a printout. I'm not a serious programmer let alone a Linux kernel developer but I want to keep all options in life open. :?
Florin said:
It looks quite real. Me, I wouldn't look at it even if someone dropped it in front of me on a printout. I'm not a serious programmer let alone a Linux kernel developer but I want to keep all options in life open. :?
I have no plans to ever make my living programming but I wouldn't download that source or touch it with a ten foot pole!

I would be plain afraid to have it, period. End-o-statement. :oops:
It's definitely not the complete source code, however what there is looks authentic.... I will say no more.

EDIT: some of these source comments are absolutely hilarious.... the f word and s word are used numerous times.... :D
Update: Microsoft's Tom Pilla has confirmed the leak stating: "Today we became aware that incomplete portions of Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 source code was illegally made available on the Internet"
Wow, I remember someone once saying it would take something like this to make companies switch from Microsoft to Linux.

Anyhow, why is it such a big deal for Microsoft's source code to be released, but Linux's is publicly available?(besides IP theft from microsoft, but why would security issues occur because of it?)
The Baron said:
Because Microsoft revolves around security through obscurity. Obscurity is now gone.

:LOL: I was thinking exactly the same thing... That would make a nice slogan as well "Microsoft - Security through Obscurity"
The Baron said:
Because Microsoft revolves around security through obscurity. Obscurity is now gone.

screw security (when was an ms platform too secure, anyway?) - it's 'monopoly through obscurity' at stake here : )

Positive Outcomes from the M S Leak

There may be a very good positive outcome due to this leak. Both operating systems will be better than any of M S products to date. An un-named company in India is working on a service pack for both NT4 and 2000. The leak outcome will be the most secure operating system in the M S universe, even better than 2003 :!: :!:
Re: Positive Outcomes from the M S Leak

Cairo said:
There may be a very good positive outcome due to this leak. Both operating systems will be better than any of M S products to date. An un-named company in India is working on a service pack for both NT4 and 2000. The leak outcome will be the most secure operating system in the M S universe, even better than 2003 :!: :!:

You mean they overwrote all the MS source code with Linux?
Re: Positive Outcomes from the M S Leak

Fox5 said:
Cairo said:
There may be a very good positive outcome due to this leak. Both operating systems will be better than any of M S products to date. An un-named company in India is working on a service pack for both NT4 and 2000. The leak outcome will be the most secure operating system in the M S universe, even better than 2003 :!: :!:

You mean they overwrote all the MS source code with Linux?

Nay,they just add more of OpenVMS...