While processors used in todays computers can be made larger to support more transistors, what about video cards?
I for one don't see Ati or nVidia using anything smaller than 70nm with current silicon based chips.
The article states that in about a decades time microchips will use hybrid materials.
Will that be too long for Ati/nVidia?
With the current trend we are seeing I believe both IHV's could move to integrated multi-chip boards, 2 chips integrated together as a single chip.
Alteratives to this idea would be that both IHV's will move to hybrid silicon chips earlier, say within the next 6 years.
I believe the latter is a more feasible approach because feasibly integrating multiple (Rxxx or nVxx) chips under one roof at a cheaper price than just sticking 2 chips on the boards is going to cost the R&D teams far too much than to reasearch how to mold other elements into silicon to get further performance iincreases.
What do you guys think?
While processors used in todays computers can be made larger to support more transistors, what about video cards?
I for one don't see Ati or nVidia using anything smaller than 70nm with current silicon based chips.
The article states that in about a decades time microchips will use hybrid materials.
Will that be too long for Ati/nVidia?
With the current trend we are seeing I believe both IHV's could move to integrated multi-chip boards, 2 chips integrated together as a single chip.
Alteratives to this idea would be that both IHV's will move to hybrid silicon chips earlier, say within the next 6 years.
I believe the latter is a more feasible approach because feasibly integrating multiple (Rxxx or nVxx) chips under one roof at a cheaper price than just sticking 2 chips on the boards is going to cost the R&D teams far too much than to reasearch how to mold other elements into silicon to get further performance iincreases.
What do you guys think?