Will PS2/Xbox games be upsampled to 720p on the PS3/Xbox360?

EGM: PS2 was able to enhance PS1 visuals a bit. Are you planning that with PS3 in relation to PS2 games?

KH: You know, a lot of people say that. You guys think there was an improvement? Maybe I just don't have the eye for it...I don't know that there will be. But it will be fully backward compatible.
It seems that nothing is decided yet, for the PS3, since K.Hirai doesn't seem to know the answer for now.

Fafalada said:
That said, the biggest improvement in PS2 games would come from using better texture filtering (which should be safe enough to use without breaking emulation)
That would upgrade only the game that does use Mip-Mapping in the first place. Or is it possible to override this function in all the games and still support a 100% (or close) emulation?
KH doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm guessing he hasn't seen PS1 on PS2 with filtering turned on.