Wild [PS4]

if No Mans Sky was out now, frankly, I wouldn't be dreaming of BLoodBorne,The Witcher3, MGS and Uncharted4 at all. I would be just getting lost in it, dying, repeating.
To be honest, Wild, RIME and NMS are much much more exciting than any AAA game to be released this year, except MGS:pP, cos that game has the gameplay lunacy to match the AAA production values, as always.
I'm gonna have to disagree Shifty. Visually, you're right. Although the initial trailer they showed last year was not the most technically graphically stunning thing we've seen. if anything, both showing have shone more due to the art direction than the technical capability.

On the other hand the gameplay posibilities look amazing to me. And really looks like there'll be some very nice options for emergent gameplay in htis game. I can't wait.
The latest gameplay makes this game seem a lot less exciting and less visually impressive.

For the most part I do agree with you. Visually, the game has taken hit... the engine almost seems different (or is). The characters look last generation and the large vistas are lacking (not enough trees/vegetation) within areas. LoD needs improving... along with the obvious framerate drops/hitching.

As for gameplay, it seems to be hit or miss at the moment... leaning more towards miss, IMHO.

This game has a grand and interesting scope...I'm more interested in playing as the wildlife than some guy who is Beast Lord which is essentially what the main character seems to be a throwback to.