Why doesnt AMD now do an Apple?


To me, although I may be wrong. Since Apple has converted fully to Intel.

Its really a PC architecture, but more of a closed system. That by using choice supported parts and not everything the PC way.

Anyhow. Who also could do this. Ah yes.. AMD.

With a closed system, would AMD approach Microsoft and ask them for a version of Vista for their own PC? Would make sense right? Cut down alot of unneeded code for compatibility. Perphaps it will be faster and more efficent?

AMD could then also sell their own PC's in Dell stores maybe?

Pie in the sky or reality? I mean if Apple can do it, why cant AMD?

Oh and I cant wait, if ever. To run Apples new system on a virtual workstation. Hopefully someone cracks it to work on other hardware.
It's not going to happen because AMD is no Apple. They are a completely different type of business.

Basically, AMD would have to change the way it does business. They sure could get a version of Vista to work on their own "brand" of PC's...but how would this version be different than the ones available on others. Also, would AMD no longer sell its chips to other computer makers like HP and others?

I'm sure AMD has a low cost PC solution in the works for hardware vendors, bu the vendor will be selling that and not AMD.

AMD also lacks the image that Apple has. They don't have the brand name recognition and would need a masive marketing campaign just to get their name in the minds of ordinary everyday people. We don't see ATI Radeon or AMD Athlon everywhere like we see Apple Ipod. People now know Apple like they know Sony. People do not see AMD in that light and it would take some drastic changes before that would happen.

And then there's always the stance that AMD is really just a company that doesn't go against the grain and competes in the level where it is. They aren't the alternative when it comes to computers because they just supply the guts inside. Apple is the alternative because it is the whole package, both hardware and software all in one package. If AMD uses Microsoft and a apecial version of Vista then they really aren't unique from other computer manufacturers at all and will jut have to compete at the regular level.

And this is my own opinion right here...but AMD lacks the vision that Apple has as a whole when it comes to making products that people will want.