Why are fourier transforms so powerful?

K.I.L.E.R said:
I get what's being done but I don't get why it's being done only on specific problems and not all.

Because some problems can get more complicated after FT.
What the heck is impulse space?
Why are there so many words being thrown around and why is this all starting to be confusing?
Can someone type me up a proper introduction to Fourier transforms?
K.I.L.E.R said:
What the heck is impulse space?
Why are there so many words being thrown around and why is this all starting to be confusing?
Can someone type me up a proper introduction to Fourier transforms?

Take the friggin class. They have textbooks.
I've already seen those links.
All they do is explain formula.
Not very useful.

Wikipedia is more useful because it shows you the things fourier transforms are used for.
Why don't you pick up a textbook on fourier analysis (say w.r.t to signal theory, since thats what I assume you are doing being a comp sci guy) and then ask questions based on that.

Its sorta like having someone ask 'how do I do fluid mechanics', its so broad and unspecific it makes responding supremely painful.

Lets just say (again im being super vague) that its a great approximation scheme (to arbitrary and controllable error) for a wide range of functions and differential/integral equations. What that range is, is going to be governed by subtleties that you will simply have to learn.

If you want the deep mathematical reason, that is of little import (I assume) for your purposes, check out the Pontryargin duality link from the Wiki page. That *is*, in a deep sense, what fourier analysis really is about.
My day in an e-mail I sent to a friend:

Finally went into McGillas book store in the city, just on Elizabeth Street.
Ordered the 9th edition of the book.
Coming in 2 weeks. :(

Was a pain.
I got off on Flinders Street Station and spent 1-1.5 hours looking for Elizabeth street.
Went I eventually found it I went straight down from the store.
It was only about 600m straight down from Flinders station. :O
I spent all that time looking for something that was just behind the station I got off from. :/

Oh well at least I ordered the book.
BTW I picked the engineering maths subject last year guys. It's just that I start in 12 days. :)

Here's the book I ordered:

Is it good for retards?