Which Console games have used NURBS

this is a NURBS vs Polys thread. which games have used NURBS instead of Polys in games and is there a website or pictures where i can see the difference between the same images except one done with nurbs and the other with polys.
SSX on PS2 used B-splines for the terrain. WRC was also rumored to have used B-splines.
On PSP, Death Jr. Uses B-Splines.
drpepper said:
What are NURBS? How do they differ from conventional polygon modeling?

NURBS is a form of higher order surface, used to mathematically describe a smooth curving surface. Technically, there's NURBS curves, and surfaces created form such curves. Control points define the shape of the curve/surface, which are layed out in an ordered grid-like topology. They're also providing UV coordinates that can be used among other things for texturing the surface.

In its implementations, it is usually not the final infinitely smooth surface that's rendered, but rather the surface is approximated using polygons (triangles usually). Breaking up a surface to polygons is called tesselation.

Using NURBS in realtime games is discussed in this topic: