Frankly I'm stunned that MeatdeadQ* hasn't already recieved his personal invitation from Kutaragi-san. Wouldn't this be high up on Ken's list of things to do?
1) Rake in profits from almost 10 years of industry leading console sales.
2) Show next-generation CPU to some guy on the internet.
3) Prepare PS3 for worldwide launch.
Frankly rushing anything out in reaction to their competitors is exactly what Sony are unlikely to do - they've no doubt got their plan for release all worked out, and I expect they'll stick to it regardless of what Microsoft or Nintendo get up to, safe in the knowledge that the majority of the buying public will wait for them (or buy a second console). PlayStation is one of the most successful brands (in any category) of all time, and Sony won't have their schedule dictated to them.
Whatever technical specs they think are required to generate enough hype, I'm sure they'll be able to massage the numbers appropriately - as will the competition, as everyone has done in every generation...
Playing top-trumps with imaginary performance figures seems like a bit of a waste of time to me.
*this was rumoured to be the official name used during Deadmeat's development. Should anyone actually register under the name MeatdeadQ, they'll be refered to as "MeatdeadQ" - note the quotation marks to ease any confusion between the two.