When do you put up the Christmas decorations

digitalwanderer said:
I was taught that you shouldn't put them up until after Thanksgiving and you should take them down after New Years.

Basically the same, though living on my own I dont put any up, growing up I would help my mom put them up around the 10th of December and we would take them down within 2 to 3 days after Xmas.
Cartoon Corpse said:
no i go for accuracy. absolute if i can get it. like here.

Reminds me of that joke...

A guy is flying around in a helicoptor in Seattle when something goes wrong. All his instruments fail and his cockpit fills with smoke. In a panic he sticks his head out the window and sees a guy standing on top of a building having a cigarette.

The pilot yells "help! can you tell me where I am? I need to make an emergency landing."

The guys says, "you're in a helicopter in the middle of the air!".

The pilot pauses, says, "Thanks!" and heads directly south and lands at the airport.

The co-pilot jumps out of the helicoptor and says "that's incredible. You couldn't see, and your instuments failed, but you still knew where the airport was just from that guy. How did you do it?"

The pilot says, "I knew that that guy worked at Microsoft technical support. I knew what he said was 100% correct, but didn't help me one single bit."

*drum fill*
day after thanksgiving and down after new years I think.
But if I wasn't living with my parents I wouldnt put up any...
I don't put up any Christmas decorations.
But I think the standard is to put them up for Advent Sunday.
Swedish standard is to take them down at 13th January.

Christmas decorations in early November is weird IMO. :D