Gosh I completely missed this comment when it came past the first time. Where could I find info on the DS texture compression?And it doesn't end there - there's texture compression which again - is quite different from the approaches that have been common for past 10 years. Actually I'd love to hear Simon's take on this one - since it's still VQ based approach, but with a pretty strange spin on it.
EDIT: The power of Google:
The 16-bit pointer: Is that going to a 4 colour palette?Faf on another forum said:About the texture compression, we know it's VQ, but not regular palette based. Can you tell us more?Basically it's S3TC with detached color tables. Each texel block carries extra overhead - a pointer(16bit) to address it's associated CLUT, which allows CLUT data to be shared between blocks as well as across any number of textures (including regular paletted ones).
Also offers the choice between 2+2 and 4 distinct colors in each block, which helps with textures where S3TC sucks the worst (sharp color transitions, hand drawn art...).
If the blocks are 4x4 pixels with choice of four colours/pixel, that would then seem to indicate that blocks are 48bits in size. That would be bizarre!