What's reality?

K.I.L.E.R said:
Can't anyone explain all the stuff in a few paragraphs?
I haven't even finished my OpenGL book and that's giving me diarrhea as it is. :???:

O.K. I'll try it, but keep in mind this is my personal version of it and I am trying to break it down into only a few words.

Anything possesses physical reality if it can measured. Whether it is measured directly or indirectly is not of concern. Essentially, every possible measurement outcome has an effect on your measurement outcome and every possible measurement, even if you choose to forgo measurement, has an effect on your measurement outcome (we're talking quantum mechanics here).
E.g.: If your measurement apparatus consists of two possible measurements (A and B) and you choose only to use A, B still will influence your measurement. People like to use a many-world interpretation for this. I prefer the more down to earth-approach, thus I am talking about possibilities.

I hope this is somehow of help to you... :???:

EDIT: paragraphs