What is the best nForce 3 socket 939 motherboard to get?


Subject says most of it, but im looking to replace my lowly 2ghz xp, it just aint cutting it anymore.

im planning on either getting a 3000 amd 64 (venice core) or a 3200 then overclocking it, but i have no idea on what motherboard to get, i usually go for abit (personally like them) but they dont have any nForce 3 motherboards. So, is there any other options?

nForce4 doesn't have integrated graphics...
Only one of the version of the chipset does, you can just select a MoBo which doesn't have that chipset..

I have an ASUS A8N-SLI, I think the Deluxe version is even better. (wasn't available at the time of my purchase.)
nForce4 & socket939 MoBo w/o integrated graphics.
Althornin said:
why not nforce 4?

Blazkowicz said:
to spare the hassle of buying the same (or near) video card again in PCIe ?

i have a 6800 agp, so like blazkowick said, i dont feel like spending the extra money to buy a comparable pci-e card anytime in the near future.
digitalwanderer said:
I have an agp X800 TT so was looking into the same thing about a good 939/AGP mobo a while back at Elite Bastards and got some seriously good advice/opinions on the matter in this thread and crossposted about it over in this thread here....but I bookmarked 'em both so I can find 'em again the night I get honked and go nuts at Newegg.com. ;)


i'll probably go for that A8V Deluxe, if i can get it to the levels of HTT they are getting it to i'll be very happy :D

Just curious, what memory did you go for in the end?