What have you done to help others?

rwolf said:
What have you done to help others?

i've been volunteer teaching an intro to pc's class at the library for the past 4 years. have a class today in fact.

plus im a libertarian, which by itself, is like saving the world single handedly.
I donate blood too. I figure I can take 30min (waiting time) every two months out of my life to do it (especially since my work place is right across the street :devilish: )

Otherwise, I help society by achieving Goorangas.

Crisidelm said:
Donate blood is one thing that I really can't do unfortunately...
I hope it's not because of.... :(
It gives me an excuse to gor...I mean eat well.

Oh and to skip out on drinking alcohol. a.k.a. save money. :)
Donate blood every 2 years or so...
Sizeable charitable donations per year...
Computer support to everyone in my family...
Employ about 30 people with A+ benefits...
Call my Mom 3x per week...
Coordinating burial and memorial for my father this week...
Feed and support my kids & ex-wife...
Try to help out family or in-law family in financial need...

Come to think if it, what do I do for myself? ;)
i don't do charities. however i've gifted $1000's (several thousands) to friends in need over the years. i've also randomly paid the person in front of me in the checkout line's bill a few times.

i do donate to the Libertarian party.
i buy a lot of food for less-financially-endowed friends

i also refrain from using my sizeable repoductive organ irresponcibly
Alstrong said:
uh... how kind of you. :oops:

well... i prevent the world from having to support lots of my little bastardo's... more than some other people can say about themselves!
The whole 'having sex with multitudes of men' kind of bars me from donating blood...

But what do I do to help others? I'm a responsible citizen - that's more than many others can say!
John Reynolds said:
What in particular is wrong with my sperm? I obviously help produce very healthy, beautiful children, so what's the problem? :p

Reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons where all these children look and burp like Barney. ;)
Mize said:
Coordinating burial and memorial for my father this week...

My condolences, sorry about your dad. I can feel with you, I was scarred to death yesterday because my mother had a near heart-attack and is in the hospital right now. Haven't got much sleep last night.