Fafalada said:Portable market is about to be flooded with hybrid portable machines that all double as a 3d gaming console. From phones, to PDAs, UMD players... you name itNot if you want cutting edge graphics, cheap price, low heat, and a small size.
Now maybe all the companies that are diving into this new market are going to fail as miserably as Nokia did thus far, and by 2008 the idea of these devices will be nothing but a repeatedly failed experiment.
But I somehow doubt that.
As for Nintendo, even monopolies have to adapt to the market - they just have the choice to do it at their own pace.
Portable gaming has to first find a way around screen limits before we can talk about anything "good enough". Maybe by 2020 we'll all wear goggles to play on the go, who knows.and I predict it will take until at least 2020 till we can even consider graphics being at a point that's "good enough."
3d gaming is one thing, graphics as good as a home console(that also look acceptable on a tv screen) is quite another. It won't be until like 2012-2015 before we have handhelds with the graphics of next gen systems, and the next gen after that will still look quite a bit better, we're still very far from realism, especially on mass scales. Look at all the grand theft auto style games, large, populated cities with horrible graphics.
Also, I don't think small screen size is that much of a limit, a small screen with higher resolution can still look good. And it defeats the purpose of a handheld to have tvs, and goggles would never work. Of course, the subject at hand was handheld that would serve as a console and a handheld, which would matter. PSP can hook up to a tv I believe, and has pretty darn good 3d graphics(better than any competing device), yet no one expects it to replace the home consoles.