as I bought my PS3 in October 2007, many games I bought in 2008 are from before...
Deus Ex, God of War, MGS Sons of Libetry, Sega Mega Drive Collection -> all of them are too old to rate them
Call of Duty 4 (9/10) - so,so single player, perfect multiplayer, the only thing that really bothers me that you cannot choose what map you want to play.
Condemned 2 (8/10) - great immersion, even the over the top violence fits in. Too bad I did not play part one so sometimes I was a bit lost.
The Eye of Judgement (7/10) - great game, but I refuse to spend loads of money on more and more cards, so I'm still stuck with the vanilla edition (about 8 booster packs) and always got my behind handed to me due to no having expansion 2.
Fallout 3 (7/10) - one of those overhyped titles out there, loved Morrowind and liked the modded Oblivion (Obscuro's mod) but this one is "only" good for me. The gore is really too much and not even funny in a black humor way. I really do not get how after Planescape no one really gets a good alignment scheme, everything is so clear cut.
Far Cry 2 (7/10) - nice game, altough they should've dumped the crappy multiplayer and used that time to improve the single player experience.
GTA IV (6/10) - worst GTA and a crappy story, altough I liked the multiplayer.
Lair (5/10) - Factor 5's Assassin's Creed, only this one had not such a big hype machine behind it. Love the soundtrack though...
MGS 4 (7/10) - someone already nicely put it I really do not see where the genius in storytelling is. Also the english voice actor of Snake sounds like what a teenager thinks how a alpha male sounds
. But the production values etc. is really top notch so even from a non fan a thumbs up!
NBA2K9 - did not play it enough to rate it.
Ratched & Clank (8/10) - altough I do not like jump and runs etc., this is really great.
RSV 2 (6/10) - SWAT 3 is still my favorite tactical shooter out there.
Uncharted (10/10) - really fantastic, as I did not expect a Tomb Raider clone I was more than satisfied. The production is really fantastic, tongue in cheek story telling etc.
I especially like the neat making of videos, the ability to watch all the cutscenes later in all the languages etc.
flow (8/10) - something completely different!
Pain - not played it enough
Prince of Persia classic (7/10) - Wow! Brings back some old memories!
Rampage world tour (7/10) - I only gave it an 7 as it brings back those fond C=64 memories when playing with my brothers
Blu Ray:
I'd rather not count how much money I've spent because I would get an heartattack...
Cheers and good night...
as I bought my PS3 in October 2007, many games I bought in 2008 are from before...
Deus Ex, God of War, MGS Sons of Libetry, Sega Mega Drive Collection -> all of them are too old to rate them
Call of Duty 4 (9/10) - so,so single player, perfect multiplayer, the only thing that really bothers me that you cannot choose what map you want to play.
Condemned 2 (8/10) - great immersion, even the over the top violence fits in. Too bad I did not play part one so sometimes I was a bit lost.
The Eye of Judgement (7/10) - great game, but I refuse to spend loads of money on more and more cards, so I'm still stuck with the vanilla edition (about 8 booster packs) and always got my behind handed to me due to no having expansion 2.
Fallout 3 (7/10) - one of those overhyped titles out there, loved Morrowind and liked the modded Oblivion (Obscuro's mod) but this one is "only" good for me. The gore is really too much and not even funny in a black humor way. I really do not get how after Planescape no one really gets a good alignment scheme, everything is so clear cut.
Far Cry 2 (7/10) - nice game, altough they should've dumped the crappy multiplayer and used that time to improve the single player experience.
GTA IV (6/10) - worst GTA and a crappy story, altough I liked the multiplayer.
Lair (5/10) - Factor 5's Assassin's Creed, only this one had not such a big hype machine behind it. Love the soundtrack though...
MGS 4 (7/10) - someone already nicely put it I really do not see where the genius in storytelling is. Also the english voice actor of Snake sounds like what a teenager thinks how a alpha male sounds
NBA2K9 - did not play it enough to rate it.
Ratched & Clank (8/10) - altough I do not like jump and runs etc., this is really great.
RSV 2 (6/10) - SWAT 3 is still my favorite tactical shooter out there.
Uncharted (10/10) - really fantastic, as I did not expect a Tomb Raider clone I was more than satisfied. The production is really fantastic, tongue in cheek story telling etc.
flow (8/10) - something completely different!
Pain - not played it enough
Prince of Persia classic (7/10) - Wow! Brings back some old memories!
Rampage world tour (7/10) - I only gave it an 7 as it brings back those fond C=64 memories when playing with my brothers
Blu Ray:
I'd rather not count how much money I've spent because I would get an heartattack...
Cheers and good night...