What are you getting your significant other for xmas?

John Reynolds said:
She wants a Betty Crocker cook book. I kid you not. Since Megan was born we agreed to cut back on Christmas spending for each other.
That is how it goes it went from >$800-->$100 for us so far...I figure you can buy stuff other times of the year for cheaper and christmas isn't about buying crap anyway ;)
wireframe said:
Where do you people find these women? They don't want gifts. They want cool multimedia equipment for the family or they get angry when they are given stuff. LOL! I want one!!! In fact, I think it would make a very nice gift. ;)

Well, my g/f hates it when I spend money on her. At least she says that at first, because I know she really does like the things I get for her. I know I'm in trouble this year, but it'll wear off after a while.

So mine's getting Emeralds and her own copy of World of Warcraft for christmas now.
the maddman said:
Well, my g/f hates it when I spend money on her. At least she says that at first, because I know she really does like the things I get for her.
Oh, I get it. Maybe I have been getting the wrong impression all along here. It's possible you are simply misinterpreting the "Ohh, you shouldn't have..." which actually means "do this more often and better in the future" ;)
the maddman said:
So mine's getting Emeralds and her own copy of World of Warcraft for christmas now.

GOOD choice! Emeralds, in my opinion, are a fantastic choice! Save the diamonds for the very rare occasion. I'd rather give diamonds only on truely momentous occasions (but big and/or lots of them) and otherwise give other precious things like emeralds that gives you more options so that you can pick out something special. That way, diamonds are even more special and she has a larger collection in which each piece stands out making the collection as a whole more impressive. (and it's a great excuse for being cheap/er!)
wireframe said:
Oh, I get it. Maybe I have been getting the wrong impression all along here. It's possible you are simply misinterpreting the "Ohh, you shouldn't have..." which actually means "do this more often and better in the future" ;)

sort of like "are you cold?" means "give me your jacket" and "well if you really are cold you can have it back" which means "stop bitching and don't you dare actually ask for it back or you're a dead man"

(I was walking back from lunch with my friend and his girlfriend, this situation took place and we interpreted her attempt at communication right in front of her... which then led to her saying "men are assholes!" [which means "men are assholes!"] )
Sage said:
GOOD choice! Emeralds, in my opinion, are a fantastic choice! Save the diamonds for the very rare occasion. I'd rather give diamonds only on truly momentous occasions (but big and/or lots of them) and otherwise give other precious things like emeralds that gives you more options so that you can pick out something special. That way, diamonds are even more special and she has a larger collection in which each piece stands out making the collection as a whole more impressive. (and it's a great excuse for being cheap/er!)

Actually, it's just because green really is a good accent color on her. I did see a set of sapphires I would have liked to get, but they were a) amazing and b) antique. Out of my price range by 3 orders of magnitude.

Any good gemstones are going to be expensive, it's just a fact of life. Unfortunately I tend to pick the most expensive things without fail.
Diamonds have become so generic (or maybe they always were). It's like gold. People just buy gold because it's gold. Personally, I hate the typical red gold and I absolutely love silver, iron, steel, titanium, tungsten and platinum. I can understand someone wanting an absolutely huge diamond, though. One that is actually rare. I dunno about wearing such a monstrosity, however; we're talking large here.

It's really nice when people wear jewelry that's right for them, like emeralds or something like that. It then becomes something personal and as a gift it's more personal too. Diamond and gold are the black of jewelry, anyone can wear it, but because everyone does wear it, it says nothing about the person and is just there, hanging like a pricetag off your ear or whatever. It is almost painful giving and receiving diamonds. Because they are so "generic" it becomes a matter of counting them, the carats, and adding it up. It's not a far stretch from giving cash. Of course, there are exceptions, designs that make it special...but...nah...

There is one thing that is absolutely 100% "Verboten!!!" and that is a jewel encrusted wrist watch. My god, those look so awful. I don't care how much they cost and that some people actually find them "brilliant". It's the neutron star equivalent of Liberace. Super-condensed glittering evil. "Get it away from me!!"
the maddman said:
Actually, it's just because green really is a good accent color on her.

which is part of my theory.... you have different pieces so you have more options when putting together an outfit that looks really good on you.
HAHA, so true, but my wife has a diamond ring b/c she insisted you know, of course it was platinum, which btw we both liked before the craze. I liked it b/c it is a catalyst in so many reactions, she liked it b/c it looked like silver but was expensive :) Anyway I got her a cool amethyst ring and it was quite inexpensive yet she loves it. Like you said just getting the generic isn't so fun.

She really likes blue saphires as well, but trying to find them cheap is hard even though they can easily make them in labs (at least I think they can) and I don't really care whether they are lab made or natural, actually I would prefer lab made.

Sage said:
which then led to her saying "men are assholes!" [which means "men are assholes!"] )

Actually that means "Drat! My devious ploy was foiled, they can actually understand my motives!" But of course that depends on the occasion ;)
The wifey and I already gave each other our gifts in November.

I got her the Canon Powershot SD500 and she bought me an Agile AL3000-M (a les paul copy, that's cheap and made of quality stuff. Plus it's my new toy to customize).
wireframe said:
Oh, I get it. Maybe I have been getting the wrong impression all along here. It's possible you are simply misinterpreting the "Ohh, you shouldn't have..." which actually means "do this more often and better in the future" ;)

You got the right impression here. :) I would be in deep shit if I got her something that was more than about $20 this Christmas. We never get each other anything for our anniversary (we usually forget it completely), and spending more than about $50 for birthdays/other occasions gets me in hot water. She's spent a bit of money taking prereq courses over the past couple years so she could finally apply to vet school, so she hates it when I spend any more money on her.

Hell, I bought her engagement ring on ebay for about $150 bucks from some lady who broke off her wedding (it's actually pretty decent, and I was poor). When all her friends brag about their huge and expensive rings, she just laughs at them and brags about how much money I didn't waste on a stupid ring.

Just to really drive you crazy, my wife complains that we don't have the guys I work with over enough for movie nights, tells me I should have more LAN parties at our house, and loves to watch football. She also cooks for us when I have a LAN party. Breakfast burritos, burgers, etc...

Yeah, I'm a lucky guy.
JBark said:
Just to really drive you crazy, my wife complains that we don't have the guys I work with over enough for movie nights, tells me I should have more LAN parties at our house, and loves to watch football. She also cooks for us when I have a LAN party. Breakfast burritos, burgers, etc...
Yeah, I'm a lucky guy.

I dunno complaining about not having guys over ;)

Anyway my wife likes football at least, it is pretty nice I must say.
Sxotty said:
She really likes blue saphires as well, but trying to find them cheap is hard even though they can easily make them in labs (at least I think they can) and I don't really care whether they are lab made or natural, actually I would prefer lab made.

Yes they can make them in labs now, but they are still working on getting the color right. And the big name jewelers are not very happy with the reduction in prices that they will lead to.

Keep looking, and you'll see more and more lab made gems, of better quality show up. Heck, rubies and saphires are mostly the same thing: Alumina. They're just specially "rusted" aluminum. :D Just don't explain it to her that way.
the maddman said:
Keep looking, and you'll see more and more lab made gems, of better quality show up. Heck, rubies and saphires are mostly the same thing: Alumina. They're just specially "rusted" aluminum. :D Just don't explain it to her that way.

meh, diamonds are just carbon... ie the black crap left over when you burn something...

also, rubies are more rare than diamonds!