Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

I've just started Act IV so about three quarters of the way through the main campaign with a ton of side missions yet to do. I am really enjoying the game, even the dreaded tailing missions (I've come across two) which I am treating as ninja takedown missions. This works as long as the tail never turns round to see the 40 bodies behind him ;)

I am thoroughly enjoying virtual Chicago and the Pawnee (the rural area) which I spent much of yesterday evening in - it was a real change of scenery. I've completely mastered the vehicles and now drive everywhere in first person, which makes for thrilling chases but is a little more difficult.

I love GTA but going back to GTA V will be hard as the cities and environments lack the density and detail of WD. Perhaps remastered for current gen consoles :)
played some. GFx are okay....gameplay also feels okay till now. Waiting for real missions to start as I am just in the beginning. BTW, audio in this game is messed up, I can hardly hear the environment while other sounds are overloud on my speakers.
BTW, audio in this game is messed up, I can hardly hear the environment while other sounds are overloud on my speakers.
I've not experience that (5.1 surround here) but voices do seem low. I leave subtitles on in case I miss something, which can happen mid-combat.
Okay, I've given to temptation and picked it up on my PS4. Just gotta wait for the download now.
I know I refused to purchase this game but I admit after seeing a few gaf screenshots I decided to give it a go. It looked not that bad I must say. Here's a couple from my fb.


So I'm in the top 9% when it comes to the online stuff... and I'm not even good. Anyone have anyone want to share tips for invasions and tailing?
how big is the map ?
It's pretty big It's been compared to GTA IV it feels at least this big to me and I've played both games extensively, completing both. Finished the WATCH_DOGS campaign yesterday evening. Still as much as that left to do with the various investigations, gang hideouts, fixer contracts.
So their Steam page apparently still is showing screenshots from the E3 build which is why they look so good. Gee a slight misrepresentation of the game considering the difference? Could end up a legal issue for them if they don't change them and it quite justifies Steam users asking for refunds.

edit: er got lost between console and PC thread I guess.
PLayed some more today and yes, when its Watch Dogs, its pure awesome. Play it like WD, not as GTA, use all gadgets, cameras, hacking : have fun with the tools and its superb ! run around like its GTA, then its not.

Loving it !
What I've noticed from the gameplay vids is that many people are racing about the streets like it's GTA. Whereas the gameplay videos that Ubisoft show are on foot, letting you soak up the atmosphere. If you want to soak up the personality of a place, you don't drive through it at 60mph!

But how people play really does change the vibe of the game. If you watch the Gamespot's hour-long preview from Thursday (don't!, no really.. don't!) the game looks terrible. Whereas if you watch the IGN Live's hour-long preview from Friday, the game looks a lot more interesting. Gamespot are playing it like GTA, IGN are playing it like Watch_Dogs, hacking the environment, luring enemies, using stealth.

The core multiplayer looks great in JackFrags's stream.

PLayed some more today and yes, when its Watch Dogs, its pure awesome. Play it like WD, not as GTA, use all gadgets, cameras, hacking : have fun with the tools and its superb ! run around like its GTA, then its not.

Loving it !
Definitely, playing it like an openworld Splinter Cell is the most enjoyable I think.
The city is pretty big. The city is also just about devoid of the little emergent gameplay moments that pop up every now and then in a GTA game. Like gang bangers deciding to shoot police officers, or people getting into car chases. Heck, sometimes people actually try to pull you out of a vehicle too. Sooner or later you're gonna want to race to your next objective marker or use the fast travel system in WD because there's nothing left to see really.

I thought the "UnFunny Valley" article Eurogamer put up on Saturday kinda nailed it. There's a po-facedness to WD - and most other open world games for that matter - that seems incredibly at odds with the inherent ridiculousness of open world games.
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There's a ton of solid writing to encounter in WD. Between the info pop-ups, phone dialougues and overheard coversations, beat boxing pedestrians, etc. I'm pretty much constantly encountering stuff I have not read / heard before.

I dunno, at this point in the game I was already getting bored with the emptiness outside of story missions in GTA V where as in WD I'm only half way through the first chapter as I keep getting sidetracked by all the things to do in the city. For example, I just tried the "I'm Alone" mini-game and that alone could eat up a lot of hours (the sandbox "Beserk" worship is unexpectedly fun).

Wow, it rained during day and.....absolutely WOW ! The colour palette turned to almost like The Order, with blue haze and grey buildings, it was beautiful ! Felt like a truly next gen open world. I recorded a long video of it but the capturing glitches out again as there was no video in my folder later :( ! Hope I get that weather again !

And the game can be funny sometimes, I have realised that whenever the game pitches u against a lot of enemies , it also provides a door to runaway, right next to where The player is :p ! Its weird as I just ran away in Thanx for the Tip and The Pizza Guy missions( and one more Ii don't remember the name of) and didn't have to fight anyone at all!
Wow, it rained during day and.....absolutely WOW ! The colour palette turned to almost like The Order, with blue haze and grey buildings, it was beautiful !
City aside, Pawnee is pretty scenic but when it's raining.. it looks amazing! Day or night. I think it's only of those games that takes a while to appreciate all the details.
This game loses so much atmosphere during the day. I've actually started making Aiden sleep throughout the day. Instant graphics upgrade.

The stealth 'arenas' are really well designed. Much more so than any of its predecessors the game is based on imo.
I am having a blast with the multiplayer, hacking or tailing other players is a joy that can't be described, CTOS Challenges are great fun too. I couldn't try team matches because it takes so freaking long to set up a session and gather players, I get the feeling not many people play WD on PC, waiting times for any MP mode is quite long.