Wow, great analogy: fighting for your life and acceptance of a new form of government completely foreign to your culture. And combined with an invocation of the Holocaust. . .brilliant!
Right, just as your sweeping generalization that people who do not fight back must therefore be silently condoning their own oppression. Btw, brilliant rebuttle.
-btw you didn't answer my question as to how you came to the knowledge Iraqi's do not want democracy.
And speaking of polling the Iraqi people, I wonder how they've enjoyed watching 100s of thousands of their children dead from US sanctions and bombings over the past decade?
US sanctions, hardly, try UN sponsored sanctions. Over 100,000 dead? I say thats bullshit. during the oil for food act billions of dollars was provided to Iraq for the purpose of providing for the nation. However, saddam would rather spend thse billions building Palaces.
I wonder if anyone's even asked them what form of government they want now that Saddam is gone?
I wonder if any of them would say a tyrannical dictatorship...
What if they find a democratic system unpalatable? Guess what. . .we'll still shove one down their throats. And as Thomas Jefferson wrote, such actions, while having the appearance of a noble cause, are done under a flag of tyranny and not freedom.
Providing them with a democracy will give them the capacity to choose. Its the best option at the moment
What if they are a successful democracy?
In the fall of 2002, George Bush said something along the lines of "Any day now could be the day on which Saddam hands terrorists a WMD." Such a statement implies a belief that Saddam definitely possessed at least one WMD in the fall of 2002. How did Dubya come to such a belief? Did anyone in the US intelligence community ever tell him that Saddam possessed WMD that could be immediately handed over to terrorists in the fall of 2002?
I don't recall our discussion having anything to do with WMD.
Isn't such rhetoric therefore irresponsibly dishonest?
Did i make a comment defending such rhetoric?
I mean, c'mon, this is the original justification for invading Iraq, not removing a dictator. But now it's all "oops, no WMD, ummm, yet, but, hey!, at least we got rid of one bad man. . .not too shabby for a few 100 billion of our tax dollars and 100s of US soldiers, eh?" from the right wing.
There were many justifications for the invasion into Iraq, whether you view this to be the "original" (what ever significance that may have to you i do not know) doesn't negate many others. The right wing i know never preached one single reason. The left jsut conviently overlooked them in their tirade to demonize the right...
Of course there is nothing coming from the left to note. None of them provided ways by which to remove saddam by alternative means. Their argument as of late has been to rail against WMD while ignoring all other positive arguments for the war.
Meanwhile, other dictators more dangerous to the international community and deadly to their own people are left untouched, and I'm supposed to stand up 'n cheer Bush as a principled leader?
Hmmm sounds fallacious. It appears to me that if we tried to remove them the same thing would occur. Left wing nuts would come out disputing the "original" reason for the war while ignoring the multitude of positive reasons for it. All the while bitching about other "more dangerous" dictators.
It is an interesting question. WHy haven't these dictators been removed? Possibly because of the apathy you preach. These people clearly don't mind being oppressed as they are obviously not fighting back.
The same Bush whose family has way too many business dealings with the Saudi royal family for my comfort.
I am not in a position to evaluate such business dealings.
However in past threads i have noted people stating the US provided chemical arms to Iraq while ignoring France's development of their nuclear facilities. At what point do business dealings indicate subversive behavior?
When as a society will we learn to forego these insipid ideological wars?
I suppose the moment the world is perfectly free of dictators...
I have my doubts...we live in a world where we weep for murdered children but kill millions ouselves only to parade it as a victory for women's rights...