

Retarded moron
V squiggly line = <2, -3>
u squiggly line = <3, 5>

V has a starting point at <2, -3>, if it's magnitude is 2, then the second coordinate where V stops is <4, -1>, is this correct?

If it is correct, then if I was just given 2 scalars, they have no magnitude so how many units will it take to draw them on the graph? I assume it starts at a point and reaches for infinity?

Also if I'm not given a magnitude for a vector, do I just use a bit vector?

My book on this subject is extremely vague. This is just my interpretation on what the book was hinting.
Typically vectors are originating in (0,0) - they are representing just the direction and the magnitude of it. If you need another starting point you write something like this: P=(1,2) (Starting-Point), v = (1,1). The linear movement then would be: P + t*v