US VG market sets record, up 6%, 600k Xbox360s sold in NA to date.

Couple of things I note:
DS had almost 50% of its 2005 sales in December. The rest of the year was horrible.
Nintendo handheld sales are down ~1.6M from last year and are at their lowest since 2001. Third-pillar help much? Its all about Japan right ;)

PS2 sales were up 20% due to massive shortages last year. Xbox sales dropped nearly 50% and GC dropped 33%.

12% for console software sales isn't really as steep a decline as one would expect, with a new console having been launched as well as two new portables, and a lack of serious killer apps like last year saw.

Software for December:
>100k sellers
PS2 48
360 3
xbx 12
GCN 11
GBA 15
mckmas8808 said:
But they can't make units right now. Demand doesn't mean that much if the supply isn't there.

The demand is still very high. The bigger retailers over here (Netherlands) are getting shipments every week (~50 premiums) but they're gone in two days. Most won't put you on a list either.

The Core pack is available though. In numbers. Price drop for this one sooner than expected?

US update:

GameStop is reportedly yet to fulfil 30% of pre-orders for Xbox 360, 57 days after the machine's launch.
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I wonder what the fab problem is for the Xbox 360. Is it the CPU's, the GPU, or something else slowing it down.
I swear sometimes i think Sony is buying the PS2 themselves just to fudge the numbers :p The thing is preforming amazingly. the 360 launch didn't affect it at all and also, the price is still 150.

Question, Nicked posted the number of 100K sellers, Is 100K the bar for games? Or is it higher? Not counting big name titles mind you, but what do they expect "normal" games to sell though? Is 100K a success?
Metal said:
I wonder what the fab problem is for the Xbox 360. Is it the CPU's, the GPU, or something else slowing it down.

Based on the customer complaints and comments by MS, I would say it lies in the assembly process.
mckmas8808 said:
But they can't make units right now. Demand doesn't mean that much if the supply isn't there.

If you assume that everyone who wants a 360 today will decide to NOT want one in a month or 2 once supply catches up, then yeah demand doesnt matter. However, if everyone who wants one today still buys one eventually then demand today does matter.
pipo said:
According to a well-placed source, GameStop headquarters recently sent out an internal e-mail to all its stores stating that the retailer has fulfilled an estimated 70 percent of all in-store preorders for the Xbox 360. The memo went on to say that the chain has filled all of its "first shipment" preorders, and that all remaining orders should be completed in February.

Wait, your quote just reads wrong. Reads like they haven't even fulfilled 30%, not that they have 30% left.

Synergy34 said:
Is 100K the bar for games? Or is it higher?
Depends on the budget, how it performs in other regions and what the publisher recieves per sale.
100k is just a good metric to compare the relative successes of each system. Its not hugely accurate, because PS2 probably controls an even greater % of the market in titles that don't sell as well.