Uh, crap

Dave Baumann

Gamerscore Wh...
I'm on the front page of L'inq today.

Fortunatly I wasn't quite facing the camera at the time...
LOL... yep that sounds like Dave :

He has been involved in the culinary arts for over 20 years, and says his fascination with the food business and the constant commotion and chaos in the kitchen motivated him to seek a career in this field.

DaveBaumann said:
I'm on the front page of L'inq today.

Fortunatly I wasn't quite facing the camera at the time...

That pic is on this site somewhere as a "where's Dave?" contest, as I recall. Another case of them swiping their best from B3D w/out attribution.<g>
Btw, tried clicking on Dave's ear? When I did it took me to a site that said "Who's The Weak Link? You!"
DaveBaumann said:
Sazar said:

you're a chef ?

Ummm, no, methinks that was some random Dave Baumann from Google!

All Dave Baumanns are pussies?!

Here's a random Joe DeFuria from google!



Oh dear. Joe's wearing pink undercrackers and he finds me fetching.
