Track and Field world championships in Berlin

great citing 'the sun' now all thats needed is articles from other reputable news sources like 'fox news' 'the national inquirer' to turn this in hard fact :)

hey then again perhaps its true + the sun have the cajones(ouch) to publish first
Weird because I'm sure I heard yesterday on the radio that she was racing this week. They must've pulled her/him I guess.

It's all just rumour and hearsay right now, I meant if it's actually true.

While the sun is your average gutter press publication, for Sport it's normally pretty good and I doubt they see this story as a paper seller as no one really cares anymore.
There are loads of more reputable nes outlets citing the same sources in a much less gutterlike manner, some of them claiming this as the likely condition.
sa this today
Asked what would happen if she was barred from competition, Stofile said: "I think it would be the third world war.

ww1 - archduke ferdinand shot
ww2 - invasion of poland
ww3 - doubt over runner gender

South Africa's sports minister, the Reverend Makhenkesi Stofile
I know reverends are known for hyperbole but this guy brings idiotness to a new level + deserves to be ejected from the human 'race'