The top 5 gayest threads ever in the history of B3D:
-this one
-this one
-this one
-this one
-this one
Anyway... hello!!! Patty Labelle!??!?! She's like 80yo and can still pretty much sing in a full theatre without a mic. A true soprano. She mixes a lot but heck, if this thread is about power then the accolade must go to her.
Mariah Carey used to have the best voice ever. No one will ever touch her voice in her prime, she had it all. Shame that her prime lasted around 6 years, and understandably! She was inhuman in those days and pushed it so much that she permanently damaged it. Nowadays the power is just gone 80% of the time: She might have a great night, but most nights are hoarse and breathy. Plus, these days she's lip-sync town. She had a bit of a come back a few years ago (the Charmbracelet Tour, she was back to her old ways) but now it's back to hoarse, lip-sync the high notes, and off you go. And this is coming from a massive fan of hers.
Whitney, again, used to be up there with the best ever, but well, we know the story.
If anyone knows a little bit about italian music, then Mina is a legend, she's been going at it for what, 50 years? and still has a massive set of pipes.
Bjork does have a very, very powerful voice. Nothing breathy about it. Bit in decline these days, but her Bachelorette years really showed how powerful her voice was.
Celine Dion... all i can say is, mixing and through the nose. No thanks. No power in the way Mariah and Whitney once had - their chest notes were actually chest (=power), they never mixed. This is more impressive but also damages the voice as mixing is 'easier' on the vocal chords, which has been proven right: Mariah and Whitney's voices are a lot more ruined than Celine's - drugs aside. And again, it's not what it used to be, and she started lip-syncing the high notes (like Mariah does) years ago.