london-boy said:Yeah the Winamp/iTunes/WMP visualisation always really ticked me off, i mean how hard can it be to make some GPU dependant visiualisations?
There ARE many good D3D/OGL plugs to be found, I never really bothered tho because they all get repetetive after a while. AVS in the hands of the right preset author can do GORGEOUS things even though it requires mad CPU to run smoothly at any decent res. I still forgive it tho... Put it on random at 40 second intervals, with a couple hundred/thousand presets... Endless variation.
DDR2 is 400MHz , but hey, can't be any worse than the DRDRAM I got in my own box. I'd change the gfx card too btw, but it's not my box and I don't have any money to upgrade his system! It's perfect for teh dad tho, it does everything he needs to and a lot more besides. Some day I might be able to get a 6600GT or something like that to stick in that PCIe slot tho, that would really rock!
The audio is Intel's Azaela HD whatsitscalled thing built into the southbridge. CPU-driven, I know, but it's good enough for teh dad, and for me when I come visit him! And less hassle with drivers n shit too I might add, which is a plus in this case.
19" is Dell, either 1901 or 1905 I think, I'm not quite sure which one. Not sure response time either since I don't know the model, but definitely fast enough, for me anyway. I gamed and watched DVDs on a Dell 1701 from 2001, I had no problems at all. Have NOOO idea what response time it was on that panel...