To have fried the motherboard or to not have


So basically yesterday I killed this guy's dell. I was testing my radeon 9800 pro in his pc, and the heatsink/fan fell off. His screen quickly melted away, and I smelled a burning for a few seconds before I tunred the pc off.
His pc wouldn't start up after I plugged his monitor back into the integrated video, and also wouldn't after I took the cmos battery out for 15 seconds. His hard drive still spins up.

I'm trying to figure out what I broke. Could I have messed up his hard drive? Mobo? CPU? And do you think Dell tech support will replace things if I just tell them the computer broke by itself? I put my card back in my pc, and on startup (the screen was blank) a part in the card stated glowing red.
If you were drawing enough current to make a component on the board glow red (this isn't the VPU chip is it?) its very possible you burned some traces on the main board, or something else as hideous.

But, Dell wouldn't know that you plugged something in. If its under warranty, tell em 'it just broke' and hope they fix it.
Thanks for the reply....I also just remembered that I tested the card back in MY computer after it had cooled down to see if it was still working :rolleyes: so I also may have to get myself a new mobo.