Tiscali UK. Good 4 a laugh.



Share your woes. 3DVelocity.com want to hear about your bad experiences with Tiscali and Tiscali customer services including things like them failing to release lines after cancellation, capping your bandwidth and more, in fact anything you feel warrants complaining about.

I've posted this once but they're getting paranoid and deleted it. If they do the same with this one I'll really go to town on them. I'm not breaking any forum rules nor contravening their TOA. I'm simply asking for feedback on service levels in a forum thread designed for discussing service problems.

Please send to wayne@3dvelocity.com (use any email address from the site if this link gets deleted) and keep it as brief as possible but include all the facts and any names etc.

By sending you agree to our use of your comments in a forthcoming article on Tiscali Broadband.

Laugh if you've never gone thru the hell of dealing with tiscali support.

I'll be sure to read the article when it is published as the guy writing it ....

Because Tiscali are one of only a couple who haven't signed up to offer migration , have one of the worst complaints records in the UK, totally disregard the needs and concerns of their users, restrict volume on their "Unlimited" connections to 15GB a month then cap the bandwidth, lower network speeds in an evening then deny it, have taken 7 days so far to diagnose a sub 1K/sec connection speed and have so far come up with nothing, do not let users see their forums until AFTER they become members, do not automatically reduce customer payments when price cuts are introduced (but will almost certainly increase then if they go up), fail to release the lines of customers who cancel their service in some cases for weeks on end, regularly make billing errors, are in chronic debt and selling subsidiaries all over Europe to try and make some money, and because I am a member and have first-hand experience of the kind of cr@p they pull!!

... seems to write a good piece. :LOL:
was workin for a company that was doin Tiscali support n services.... utter crap... we were installin Cisco routers while noone new how 2 configure them, lines would go down at their own accord and i got yelled at by loads of customers... nightmare, one of the reasons i quit
One day they decided to disconnect us and ask for £50 to reconnect. Not a great company.
MuFu said:
One day they decided to disconnect us and ask for £50 to reconnect. Not a great company.

Are you still with them?
I went to their support forums a couple of years ago & it was so "violent" I ran away. If Tiscali let people view their support forums before they joined I would never have signed up.

I plan on posting a link to the article when it goes live btw.
Without defending the company, a british friend of mine was getting himself broadband about 1 1/2 years ago when he'd bought himself a nice new computer. He couldn't get the connection to work, so when I came to visit he asked if I could take a look at it after he'd gone off to work and see if I could fix things. I did, by calling up tiscali's tech support, spoke to a nice girl for maybe 3-4 minutes and I was all up and running. Or my friend was anyway. :p

So it's not all bad and horrible and such!

Btw, it's good for us swedes that we are swedes, means our techsupport divisions can't outsource to india... Nobody there speaks our language! :p
2senile said:
MuFu said:
One day they decided to disconnect us and ask for £50 to reconnect. Not a great company.

Are you still with them?

Nope. It was my parent's connection - when their debited account details changed my dad made sure Tiscali knew. However, the necessary changes apparently were not made and they disconnected us without notice when they couldn't authorise a transaction. About a week of phone calls to various departments finally established that there was no way we'd be reconnected without paying £50. It even got to the stage where somebody quite senior acknowledged that it was their fault but still couldn't waive the reconnection fee!

Lots of ISPs seem to be permanently in over their heads though. I still get bills from NTL occasionally, despite not being a customer. A few months after ending my contract with them they decided to fire up a new account in my name (for 300k cable, WTF?!) and start charging me. Bizarre.
I might be Italian and with all my Italian racism (towards italians) and prejudices, but i would NEVER in a million years sign a contract with a company that started up in Sardinia. My dad is from Sardinia, by the way, and that says it all.
and I thought noone can be worse than NTL :D

Really telecoms customer support in UK is rock bottom.

BT is a little better.

just to point some of my NTL problems over the years

(and I am still with them)

* bad line (broadband on and off) - engineers came, said they needed to put new wire, puleed it 1/2 trough, and never came back to finish the job, new team came back after I called them again after three weeks, and just said that yest most of the work has been done, but they just havent finished the job... ~ 5+ calls ove the period of 2 months

* when getting digital TV, the guy set me up on my neghbours name (as he was getting NTL digital too, thought it was me, set me up, created new account) my wife signed it :D ... bills were coming on his name, I was paying them, tried to correct that - ~ 15+ calls over the period of a year, many times reconnected, a letter sent to headquaters, calls many times more than 1hr in lenght, promised at least 10 of those 15+ calls that the issue is sorted just to see next month that it isn't, until I gave up and than a year later (after I gave up)( they figured out one time I was making a telephone payment that I am not Mr Mohora (*my by that time long gone neighbour) and they didn't even let me pay... I had to than reopen my old account, change tel number too ( as it all got connected in the meantime) and well at least didn't pay that bill (but not like they waived it, more like they might pursue him... but they guy is in Romania now so whatever... I wanted to pay but they didn't let me!!! )

* setup payment by debit card at least 3 times and told that it is setup only to figure out after two months that I am disconnected as I wasn't making the payments :D and I hope it finally works now... I was told that I have multiple accounts and that "it will be sorted out" so perhaps they were setting up the direct debit on the accounts that were not in use anymore...

and there is more... but these were more ridicolous problems

at least in last 6 months you don't have to wait 30 min+ to get to someone...

(whay I sayed with them - apart from being crazy - I do get true unlimited broadband which works most of the time ( apart that 2 month touch and go period in last 4 years, and I get 1.5 mb/s now... full speed always... so that is good)

And in other place I worked... BT - better than NTL, but not good, not enough that they might tempt me to switch with the thoughts - wow, it really works - more like lesser evil, but well not lesser enough to think it would be worth switching.
I have to say that Bulldog are pretty good, they don't have a 24hour helpline of course, but when they're open, their broadband support desk helps you straight away. And 4Mb is just beautiful.

My only problems have been with my FUCKING modem, little Belkin piece of shit.
1 1/2 years ago

From what I remember of the support forums it was worse then than it is now. :LOL:

When you read loads of stuff about people being on hold (58mins is the one I'm thinking about), waiting for promised phone calls that never come, being cut off, waiting for promised e-mails with a solution to their problem that turn out to be nothing but auto-replies that have nothing to do with their problem in any case etc, over a period of weeks, it's scary.

So it's not all bad and horrible and such!

There's good & bad in any company. I'm still with them but after everything I have read I hope I don't have to call support.

Btw, it's good for us swedes that we are swedes, means our techsupport divisions can't outsource to india... Nobody there speaks our language!

I called "support" when the BB was first put on. Don't know what country the guy was in but I spent most of the call trying to explain to him that I was in the UK, I didn't have a second floor to the house, the primary BT socket was on the ground floor, I was on the ground floor which is not the basement so would he stop telling me to go to the second floor to check the filter etc. :LOL:

The article is up but it could have been better imo. It seems rushed & I believe some bitterness comes thru.

The guy could have been tired after coming down from that bleak mountain top in Wales & traveling miles in order to get internet access as well. :LOL:

Could be asking for trouble with an article titled "The Great Tiscali Swindle".
I recall something about the regretable use of the word "Cheat" a while ago that makes me wonder if 3DVelocity, as a small non-commercial site, would be able to survive should Tiscali go after them.
london-boy said:
I have to say that Bulldog are pretty good, they don't have a 24hour helpline of course, but when they're open, their broadband support desk helps you straight away. And 4Mb is just beautiful.

My only problems have been with my FUCKING modem, little Belkin piece of shit.

That and waiting well over a month for the service to be connected? Eclipse are the best ISP evar... 2MB outside london, incredible customer service, excellent technical performance and low lead times.