
Not yet. There's been quite a buzz about it, in that it might be good if they can balance the use of the time bending abilities. So that it doesn't make it too easy.
360 demo is actually intriguing, but the bottom line is there are a lot better games worth your time.

It's funny they spent a ton of time redoing the whole engine..and it's still just a 2nd tier game graphically. Because all the other graphics didn't stand still in that time period.
Can anyone confirm if they're using a technique called Detail Textures in Timeshift? Seems like it in both the PS3 and 360, but at least in the PS3 version it's not used everywhere. I played the 360 version some time ago so i don't remember clearly. Looks really nice though. Assuming i'm correct, i wonder why this kind of technique isn't used more often. Too GPU intensive?
detailed textures in what sense? I played the PS3 demo and it looked "n=normal". Nothing made a special impression in terms of textures.
I also think this game will be crushed but I enjoyed the demo a lot.
Story (A physicist with suit in a "Big Brother (1985)" country)
Auto timeshift powers
Not enough enemies on screen and absence of a light saber to fully enjoy slowmo
Post processing effects and rain
Hard should be the default difficulty
Enemies not trying melee attack when stripped of weapon
Worst usage of Sixaxis motion sensors
Invisible bullets

Nice trailer
Good enough models
Time reverse not changing your state making it necessary to advance as opposed to retrials.
Emptying Karbine clip on jumping enemies on slowmo
Watching environements explode in slowmo or timestop
Time dilation grenade in multiplayer (I was waiting for a game to do that for a long time now)
On hard, forcing player to use timshift very efficiently

In the actual game, I would like to see more traditional upgrade system for timeshift powers. Timestop wasn't particularly useful and it could as well be the ultimate upgrade of slowing time.

Can anyone confirm if they're using a technique called Detail Textures in Timeshift? Seems like it in both the PS3 and 360, but at least in the PS3 version it's not used everywhere. I played the 360 version some time ago so i don't remember clearly. Looks really nice though. Assuming i'm correct, i wonder why this kind of technique isn't used more often. Too GPU intensive?

On PS3 every flat wall has "detailed" normal mapping on top of low resolution textures if that's what Detail Textures mean (Gears of War?).
Andrey Iones On TimeShift

Andrey Iones On TimeShift

If you look at the multiplatform games that are coming out this fall, there are a great deal of significant games that are running late on the PlayStation 3. Stranglehold was about two months, and The Orange Box isn't out yet, even though it's out on the other platforms. There are other examples. Why do you think that is? What do you think is holding it back?

AI: That's a really good question. I can only explain why Saber managed to put the PlayStation 3 version of the game out within this year, and all those other companies having trouble publishing the SKU, I believe stems from the fact that the Xbox 360 was around for a longer time, so people have a much better understanding of the pipelines and the architecture.

Granted, Xbox 360 architecture is a little more straightforward than the PlayStation 3's, so you have to allocate people to PlayStation 3 SKUs, and let them figure out how to take advantage of it, and make sure that it has a good framerate, and that you fit all that you have into the PlayStation 3's memory. TimeShift proves that it can be done with great quality. Like I said, if you compare the two versions, they run at similar framerates, and the quality of the picture is the same.

But you need to allocate really significant resources. People are probably a little bit concerned about not having enough PlayStation 3 retail units out there, and they're focused on getting PC and Xbox 360 out first and foremost, and they just didn't have enough resources on the PlayStation 3. That's my explanation. But clearly it's a hardware that can run really well, but it's pretty demanding.

People do talk about the difficulty of working with the Cell processor, and they talk about the RAM situation. But there's also little things, like the OS takes up more memory on the PlayStation 3. BlackSite recently announced that they're dropping voice chat from the PlayStation 3 version. Are these things... do they all contribute? Is any one significant, or do you think it's a large number of small problems?

AI: I believe it's a large number of small problems. I don't think there is one thing. There's nothing in particular that can't be overcome. Obviously, things like voice, like you mentioned, do require a significant amount of memory and CPU power, which is even more important, but the Xbox 360 was out for two years, and the PlayStation 3 was out one year. They're still working on tools, and they're working out the kinks of the technology.

But our experience proves that if you put enough experienced engineers on those types of challenging technical tasks, you can definitely resolve them all. Make sure you do feed into memory, you do have good framerates, and you don't downres your textures so that it looks like shit. It just doesn't happen. But it does require a significant investment on the tech part.

If you have your own technology that allows you to fully leverage the complexities of the hardware, you can put it how you want. Whereas if you're running on somebody else's, you might have limited access to how you can configure it, and how you can optimize various aspects of the game, like loading times, feeding into memory, performance. If you have specific technologies such as [time] reversal, for example, you don't have all the control you need. Having our own tech really allows us to fully embrace this hardware.

You're right when you say it came out later, so there's less familiarity and the tools aren't as robust. Do you think that there actually are distinct advantages to the PlayStation 3's hardware, where, as time moves forward, as people come to grips with it, they'll be able to do things that actually take advantage of it? Because right now most games that are multiplatform are leading on 360 and/or PC, and essentially, you're going to buy that version, if you're the consumer and you have the choice, because maybe there's more graphical effects, faster load times, or what have you. Do you think that something is going to bring the PlayStation 3 to the forefront? Like technological advantages to that platform?

AI: I believe both systems are pretty similar in terms of what they can achieve. Things like having, for example, a [guaranteed] hard drive on the PlayStation 3 allows you to do certain things which you can't do if you don't have it on the Xbox 360, but even that is kind of obsolete. The Xbox 360 is coming out with a built-in hard drive, and they're calling those systems that don't have a hard drive obsolete.

Technically speaking, both systems are similar, and what you can do on one system you can do on another system. Granted, Microsoft had more time to work out certain things that you really don't have to worry about on the PlayStation 3. For example, voice is a major component of their Live support, as well as things like ranked and unranked matches, which you have to do because it's a TCR -- it's a technical requirement. All the things which users do care about are mandatory on the Xbox 360, and you simply can't go without them.

On the PlayStation 3, not so much so. You can have much more flexibility with what you do and don't want to put in the game, so you basically can cut corners somewhere if you really want to put the game on the market. But obviously you don't want to do it too much, because you don't want to ruin the users' experience.

Obsolete...WTF??? I hope they only mean there Core system sku, and not there Core user base.
Yes real strange statement, maybe he is speaking on how ms internally name the core model something obsolete from their point of view but that still has to exist to meet a specific part of the market.

maybe ms think they are close to have proven that their system is as performant as sony's one, Sony system is more expensive (especially as ms is late on the price cut), maybe they are more and more confident in 360 pricing, no need of a cutted down SKU to reach really fast mainstream market.

Maybe for ms it's clearer and clearer that:
the core/arcade sku is useless in the fight against sony offer
the core/arcade sku is useless in the fight against nintendo offer

They could think their full blown offer is their best bet against both, especially if ps3 technical superiority vanish more and more of gaming discussion and public perception.
I tried the PS3 demo yesterday & got locked up on exit. Has to use the switch on the back of the PS3 to turn it off. Anyone else get this issue?
I tried the PS3 demo yesterday & got locked up on exit. Has to use the switch on the back of the PS3 to turn it off. Anyone else get this issue?

Not the demo but the game locked on me twice, close to the end. Didn't require back switch though (5-second front thing was enough).
Fortunately it saves quite often.
Well between AC & the Time Shift demo locking up I am starting to wonder if my PS3 will be going bad soon. Plenty of ventilation as its sitting on my desk & its standing upright to help the heat escape through the top.
Well between AC & the Time Shift demo locking up I am starting to wonder if my PS3 will be going bad soon. Plenty of ventilation as its sitting on my desk & its standing upright to help the heat escape through the top.

Most likely it's just buggy software, I'm sure it's very hard to test throughly with current-gen complexity, Cell and stuff.
The console is maybe all of one month old. We clean the house weekly so the likelihood of it being dust buildup is little at best.

Edit: I did blow it out but I really doubt that was the issue. I know its not the issue with AC but the Time Shift lockup is a mystery.
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The console is maybe all of one month old. We clean the house weekly so the likelihood of it being dust buildup is little at best.

Edit: I did blow it out but I really doubt that was the issue. I know its not the issue with AC but the Time Shift lockup is a mystery.

Check if it locks up on the XMB..

If so then you need to take it back to the store or if it's after 28 days, call for a repair/replacement..