This is driving me crazy!!

Could also be electrical noise from some bus on the mobo. My AGP port gives off a slight hum under some circumstances for example.
Guden Oden said:
Could also be electrical noise from some bus on the mobo. My AGP port gives off a slight hum under some circumstances for example.
Well today i swapped the ps and still the chirping noise :oops:
I put the ps as far away from the mobo as possible and it was still making that noise. So i put my ear close to the mobo and could hear the noise coming from the voltage regulators. They were not even hot! The voltage regulators near the agp were burning though.

Here is a pic of the regulators where the noise is coming from:
Don't be so fast to rule out motherboard components.

The industry went through a patch where there were a lot of faulty electrolytic capacitors made (because of IP theft/fraud gone wrong), and quite a few ended up on motherboards.

Check for bulging, swollen or pushed upward at the top capacitors on the motherboard, especially near the power regulation circuitry.

Capacitors are capable of making audible noise - just charge up a largish camera flash and listen while it charges.
hmm i know about the incident where dodgy electrolytes were being used in some capacitors around the year 2002, but that was like 2 years ago. Looking at the caps, I cant see what brand they are and I certainly cannot see any bulges or swollen ends so far.