Things that annoy you in cinemas.

ninelven said:
when people inappropriately laugh at parts of the movie meant to be serious...
What? Like the Trinity death sequence in The Matrix Revolutions? If so, on behalf of me and my ilk: I'm sorry. I honestly thought that was meant to be funny. You just dont create the most pompous drawn out scene ever and expect the audience to take it seriously. That goes for some other movies as well.
ninelven said:
when people inappropriately laugh at parts of the movie meant to be serious...

when people laugh at an unfortunate event in a movie that is neither funny in real life or the context of the movie...

in addition to annoying me, this disturbs me. when I think about the future of humanity, i think of all these people and realize we are doomed.

I think it's important how it's presented. I cacked at Revenge of the Sith's "passionate" moments. "Oh Ani, hold me like you did on Naboo"...... "He was..... *bites knuckle* KILLING YOUNGLINGS!"

But then, in movies that are actually sad, it really pisses me off. In About A Boy, where she suffers from depression, and is crying as she makes breakfast, the whole cinema laughed at some jokes like they were supposed to be slapstick (eg. spilling the milk.) I said quite loudly, "what kind of moron would find that funny?"

Anyway going to the movies generally sucks.
Ali said:
Ads. Again, Im paying money to see a movie, so dont want to see ads for life assurance or macdonalds. Previews are ok though.

This is by far the most annoying thing with cinemas.

Tahir2 said:
Crap films above everything else.

This is usually not a problem, but when it happens it's quite annoying.

Other than these two, I'm seldom bothered by anything else. I can't remember I've ever been disturbed by anyone's cellphone. Maybe I've just been lucky and there haven't been any jackasses when I've gone. But on the other hand, I don't go to a lot of movies.
People who decide to have group sex in the theatre, and on top of that, smell bad. Seriously, there were 6 of them going at it all at once! I mean the noise alone is unsettling enough, but the smell?! The nerve of some people... :mad:
DudeMiester said:
People who decide to have group sex in the theatre, and on top of that, smell bad. Seriously, there were 6 of them going at it all at once! I mean the noise alone is unsettling enough, but the smell?! The nerve of some people... :mad:
Your kidding.....right?
nintenho said:
1. People who grab their chins while watching a movie to look introspective: They're irritating and full of themselves.

Watch the movie instead! ;)

They could just be really into the movie and are deep thinkers....and they have a need to do some...gesture. Nothing wrong with that IMO.

yes, that means I do that too, but not to "look" like I'm being introspective. Other people will fold their arms and look down, pretty much the same situation, different gesture. I don't care what others are thinking about me then. I'm thinking of my own thoughts, and it's just a habit. Ever lean on your hands or anything while studying?doing homework?
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Alstrong said:
Watch the movie instead! ;)

They could just be really into the movie and are deep thinkers. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
It's just too damn hard to forget. And how exactly do subconsciously awknowledge your ego exactly? I actually asked somebody once why they were posing with their eyes wide open and grabbing their chin and in the most stoicly studdified voice they could muster they said, " wha.....wha...WHAT?!"

Basically, I lose faith in humanity every time I see somebody grab their chin, in an egocentric way mind you, when they watch a movie.