Things I liked and Disliked about America

no A/C, I open the window instead :p

though, it sucks getting in your car when you couldn't park it under shadow. (greenhouse effect at work :))
shit, if only I knew how to use these three fucking clam shells!

** you are fined five credits for repeated violations of the verbal morality statute. **
Blazkowicz_ said:
no A/C, I open the window instead :p

though, it sucks getting in your car when you couldn't park it under shadow. (greenhouse effect at work :))

Or without A/C when standing in traffic on a hot day... get to breathe in some nice fumes.
pax said:
AC in cars is a must in the US. Heat strokes are a certainty without it. I heard they even fine those without AC in some southern areas in summer in the US. I suppose they arent very common in the UK? Even here in Canada lately we have had 45+c with humidity. Its bloody stifling.

Hottest June on record by far. They didnt just beat averages or even the last high scores by 1-2 degrees on the canuckian east coast so far... One environment canada scientist says we are set to beat last high score by 5c if not more adn average by a 'whole lot more'.

with all my respect but i higly doubt canada would hit 45+C degrees
maybe a 30-35C .
and as a matter of fact, i researched weatherdatabases and i found the max around 33.8C last week or something.
Blazkowicz_ said:
shit, if only I knew how to use these three fucking clam shells!

** you are fined five credits for repeated violations of the verbal morality statute. **

Y'know, that movie was a minor miracle. . .Sly Stallone doing humor --and it working.
RussSchultz said:
pax said:
I heard they even fine those without AC in some southern areas in summer in the US.
Never heard of such a thing. Certainly not in Texas or Louisiana.

I heard for cars only... That if you were caught without ac in your car in the hot areas like death valley you could have a heat stroke driving and that it was considered dangerous.
hey69 said:
pax said:
AC in cars is a must in the US. Heat strokes are a certainty without it. I heard they even fine those without AC in some southern areas in summer in the US. I suppose they arent very common in the UK? Even here in Canada lately we have had 45+c with humidity. Its bloody stifling.

Hottest June on record by far. They didnt just beat averages or even the last high scores by 1-2 degrees on the canuckian east coast so far... One environment canada scientist says we are set to beat last high score by 5c if not more adn average by a 'whole lot more'.

with all my respect but i higly doubt canada would hit 45+C degrees
maybe a 30-35C .
and as a matter of fact, i researched weatherdatabases and i found the max around 33.8C last week or something.

With humidity we hit 45 c here yesterday.

Trust me humidity makes it a lot hotter.
radeonic2 said:
Too bad europeans have replaced us as teh fattest nation :rolleyes:
This was found out months ago.

For a start Europe is not a nation. It's a continent. Secondly, did you actually read the article you linked to? It talks about children, not adults.

"The figures suggest that children in the European Union could soon be measuring up to their counterparts in the United States, where the numbers affected by the metabolic syndrome doubled from 910,000 to 2 million in less than 10 years,"

You Americans are still the fattest, particularly the grown-ups :oops: :LOL:
I'm glad that you liked America. It's a great place.

Though Texas and Colorado wouldn't be my first choice for places to visit...
Something a lot of Europeans have to get used to when coming to the USA.

The size of the country. From Jacksonville, Florida (Northeast part of the state) it is 7-8 hours drive to Key West, 6.5 hours to Pensacola. All by interstate, all within the same state.

Texas........ even worse in some traveling.

I hardly ever use my Car's AC in the summer in Florida unless I have my son in the car. The house though, its used 10 months out of the year.
I'm not so sure about Colorado Springs, but Colorado in general is a nice place especially if you like mountain driving.
L233 said:
RussSchultz said:
(or sits on a shelf like the german poop shelf).

Eh, those went outta fashion a few decades ago, for rather obvious reasons I think. I wonder if there is some sort of toilet scholar :?: or something who could explain who came up with those things in the first place and for what reasons.

If you ever take a trip to Seattle, Washington, go to the "Seattle Underground" tour, if they still have it. You see, Seattle when it was first built was below sea level, and the poop was dumped from "toilets" gravity fed into hollowed-out lumber "pipes" into the ocean. When the tide came in, the poopy water would be carried back up the pipes and erupt as fountains in people's cabins. Not to mention that the center of the city would be knee deep in poop.

After a great fire, Seattle "raised" the entire town center on stilts/landfill so that it was above sea level. The "underground tour" let you go beneath the streets of sections of Seattle to see some of the old pre-1900s era building store fronts (or a few pieces of them anyway), like they were something out of the "Old West". Not much remains, but you do see some of the old brick walls and window sills from that era.

It was explained to us on the tour (some of this is probably aprocraphal to embellish and entertain the tour), that because of Seattle's dire need, they were early adopters of Thomas Crapper's line of toilets. But the city still stunk like crazy until the "trap" drain pipe was invented.
Zaphod said:
pax said:
Trust me humidity makes it a lot hotter.
No, it doesn't. It just feels like it's a lot hotter.

It feels because you cant dissipate hear from your body as well with high humidity. Its harder to evaporate sweat which carries heat away when atmospheric humidity is already high. So in effect you experience slightly more body heat which is enough to make your life a dank hell. ;)

Very slight heat changes in your body can really take a toll.