Many people buy guns for home defense because they don't believe the police can or won't adequately protect them.
A similar rationale lies in the rationale of states (not terrorists) to acquire WMD : to prevent attack.
North Korea keeps screaming for the US to sign a non-agression pact before it will give up WMD.
In the middle east, Israel obtained WMD because it felt under siege by many enemies. But middle eastern countries feel they need some kind of WMD deterrence against Israel.
So now today, I read the following:
It appears part of the carrot handed to Libya was the promise that they would be brought under the global US protection umbrella. US will now promise to defend Libya from external attack like a good neighborhood cop, in exchange, for them handing in their biggest guns, and the US upgrading their home security system (conventional weapons)
So it appears the US has set the following precedent with two major examples: Give up WMD and be transparent, and you get neighborhood protection, normalized relations, upgraded weapons, possibly trade deals. Pursue WMD, you have to look over your shoulder for a US attack.
Classic Freedom vs Security dichotomy. Critics will argue that the US is guaranteeing protection for a dictatorship in exchange for increased security. Freedom advocates will say that instead of protecting dictators, we should depose them and a followinga democracy will be more transparent. Critics of the Freedom position will say that the turmoil from a revolution will discrease security in the short term and we just can't allow such chaos in a state with weapons, e.g. it will increase proliferation as bandits take advantage of chaos to steal state weapons and sell them.
So we are left with the sorry choice of living with "freedom", but all the chaos that implies, or living with "security" and a dictator/authoritarian regime under permanent US protection.
Could this be the route out for Syria? US guarantees defense of Syria against Israel to defuse tensions? Basically, a cop saying "no fighting allowed"?
I actually have to wonder if perhaps the US chose Iraq as a target because it knew it didn't have any weapons, so the risk of looters stealing and selling such weapons was minimal and Saddam was an easy target to make an example out of?
Another possibility is using Iraq as a "honeypot" to trap terrorists. Tons of nutcase fanatics from Pakistan files over the border into Afghanistan to fight B-52 bombers and got chewed up. Now Al Qaeda and other extremist groups are sending all their fighters into Iraq to kill American troops there, but paradoxically, having them drawn to a pilgrimage into Iraq to fight American military may mean there are less of them focused on civilian targets.
A similar rationale lies in the rationale of states (not terrorists) to acquire WMD : to prevent attack.
North Korea keeps screaming for the US to sign a non-agression pact before it will give up WMD.
In the middle east, Israel obtained WMD because it felt under siege by many enemies. But middle eastern countries feel they need some kind of WMD deterrence against Israel.
So now today, I read the following:
It appears part of the carrot handed to Libya was the promise that they would be brought under the global US protection umbrella. US will now promise to defend Libya from external attack like a good neighborhood cop, in exchange, for them handing in their biggest guns, and the US upgrading their home security system (conventional weapons)
So it appears the US has set the following precedent with two major examples: Give up WMD and be transparent, and you get neighborhood protection, normalized relations, upgraded weapons, possibly trade deals. Pursue WMD, you have to look over your shoulder for a US attack.
Classic Freedom vs Security dichotomy. Critics will argue that the US is guaranteeing protection for a dictatorship in exchange for increased security. Freedom advocates will say that instead of protecting dictators, we should depose them and a followinga democracy will be more transparent. Critics of the Freedom position will say that the turmoil from a revolution will discrease security in the short term and we just can't allow such chaos in a state with weapons, e.g. it will increase proliferation as bandits take advantage of chaos to steal state weapons and sell them.
So we are left with the sorry choice of living with "freedom", but all the chaos that implies, or living with "security" and a dictator/authoritarian regime under permanent US protection.
Could this be the route out for Syria? US guarantees defense of Syria against Israel to defuse tensions? Basically, a cop saying "no fighting allowed"?
I actually have to wonder if perhaps the US chose Iraq as a target because it knew it didn't have any weapons, so the risk of looters stealing and selling such weapons was minimal and Saddam was an easy target to make an example out of?
Another possibility is using Iraq as a "honeypot" to trap terrorists. Tons of nutcase fanatics from Pakistan files over the border into Afghanistan to fight B-52 bombers and got chewed up. Now Al Qaeda and other extremist groups are sending all their fighters into Iraq to kill American troops there, but paradoxically, having them drawn to a pilgrimage into Iraq to fight American military may mean there are less of them focused on civilian targets.