The Wall Interview: PS3 & Xbox 360

It's been a year since our last talk with PlayTen/Burut on their upcoming next gen development The Wall, so we decided to get in touch with the team again and see what they have in store for us. The interview was conducted with screenwriter Vladimir Mamontov.

PSU: Is the game still PlayStation 3 and PC only?

Vladimir: Now we plan to release “The Wallâ€￾ for Xbox 360 as well.


PSU: Will the game utilize SIXAXIS controls?

Vladimir: Yes, “The Wallâ€￾ will use SIXAXIS controls. [However] SIXAXIS support and other technical details specific for PS3 version are covered by our NDA with SONY.

PSU: Has there been anything specific that the PlayStation 3 has enabled you to do with The Wall that might be difficult to accomplish on other hardware?

Vladimir: PS3 sensor system will greatly influence the gameplay of “The Wallâ€￾. Unfortunately, other platforms cannot boast similar option. On the other hand, each platform has its own peculiarities, which we thoroughly consider while working on the project.

Hmm? Why not and what is this sensor system?