I just thought I'd start up a little post on something that I've been discussing for a little while in some other places: which interpretation of quantum mechanics is most likely to be accurate?
For the uninitiated, first I'm going to present a basic description of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. The measurement problem comes about because between measurements, quantum mechanical particles behave like waves. But the moment we actually perform a measurement, they look like particles. The measurement problem deals with exactly how and why this measurement problem exists.
Here's a description of the two-slit experiment that highlights the issue:
The basic idea here is that the electron acts like a wave, passing through both slits then interfering with itself, until it strikes the screen, at which point it presents a single blip. The blips on the screen from multiple electrons add up to make the interference pattern we expect from each electron being a wave traveling through the pair of slits.
There have been historically three different approaches to attempt to understand this exceedingly weird phenomenon. First, you could close your eyes and ignore any physical mechanism that might be causing the collapse, and just accept that some collapse happens when a measurement is performed. This would be the Copenhagen interpretation. The primary problem with the Copenhagen interpretation is that it doesn't actually describe what's going on at the collapse, and it is amenable to rather absurd interpretations like the idea that whether or not there is an experimenter reading the outcome of an experiment will change its outcome, even though the apparatus remains unchanged.
The second major interpretation is the Bohm interpretation. In this interpretation, it is proposed that there are two sorts of entities: there's wavefunctions, and there's particles. Each particle has a "pilot wave" that interacts like the normal quantum mechanical wavefunction. This interpretation explains the two-slit experiment by stating that the electron itself only passes through one of the slits, but its pilot wave travels through both and impacts the entire screen. The interaction between the pilot wave and the particle provides the probability that the electron will strike any given position on the screen.
The third major interpretation states that there is only one type of thing, the quantum-mechanical wavefunction, and it evolves just like quantum mechanics says it does, with no collapse ever occurring. This is known as the many-worlds interpretation, which will later make sense. It stemmed out of the mind of Hugh Everett III in 1957, who realized that just looking at how quantum mechanical waves interact with one another could easily explain how quantum mechanical waves appear to collapse when measurements are performed. The answer, it seems, has to do with the fact that in order to properly determine what quantum mechanics says about the results of an experiment, we have to not only take into account the quantum mechanical nature of what is being observed, but also the quantum mechanical nature of the apparatus. What he discovered is that when you interact a simple quantum mechanical wavefunction (e.g. an electron that has just passed through a two-slit apparatus) with a complex wavefunction (e.g. the detector apparatus), the wavefunction is split into a group of different components by that interaction, components which are prevented from interfering with one another.
In fact, those different components are prevented from any sort of interaction whatsoever. So, imagine we have a two-slit experiment wherein we're going to measure which slit the electron goes through. When that interaction occurs, the wavefunction of the electron and experimental setup together is split into two parts. One part has the electron traveling through slit 1, with the measurement apparatus observing it going through slit 1. The other part has the electron traveling through slit 2, with the measurement apparatus observing it going through slit 2. The beauty of Everett's picture is that he recognized that this interaction between the apparatus and the electron causes what is known as decoherence: once the two have interacted, the two states are prevented from interfering with one another, due to the complexity of the measurement apparatus.
So, we end up with a wavefunction that is describing two different situations: the apparatus observes the electron going through slit 1, and it observes the electron going through slit 2. Both situations are amplitudes of the wavefunction, but since they can't interact with one another, it will appear to the measurement apparatus as if the wavefunction has collapsed to one state or the other, now that the apparatus can no longer access the state where the other state has been observed.
The discovery of decoherence dramatically changes the playground of quantum mechanics, as it completely does away with any necessity to add new rules to the theory to explain collapse. With the recognition of decoherence, we discover that the appearance of wavefunction collapse was built into the theory to begin with, just by the properties of how wavefunctions interact. Because this theory requires no additional assumptions above simple wavefunction dynamics, it seems exceedingly likely that it is accurate, because any other interpretation is going to require adding new machinery.
And yet, the results of the theory are exceedingly strange. We discover that quantum mechanics predicts that every possible event occurs. It shows that there exist within the wavefunction of the universe a series of approximately classical worlds, each one unable to interact with any of the others. There are literally billions upon billions of alternate versions of you and me, all described by the same wavefunction. Every single event that is actually possible is realized somewhere in this space.
But if science has taught us anything, it's taught us that the fact that something is weird is no reason whatsoever to discard it. So, we should accept the many-worlds interpretation, because the only alternative is to accept a theory that requires more hypothetical and unnecessary entities.
I hope some of you find this interesting
For the uninitiated, first I'm going to present a basic description of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. The measurement problem comes about because between measurements, quantum mechanical particles behave like waves. But the moment we actually perform a measurement, they look like particles. The measurement problem deals with exactly how and why this measurement problem exists.
Here's a description of the two-slit experiment that highlights the issue:
The basic idea here is that the electron acts like a wave, passing through both slits then interfering with itself, until it strikes the screen, at which point it presents a single blip. The blips on the screen from multiple electrons add up to make the interference pattern we expect from each electron being a wave traveling through the pair of slits.
There have been historically three different approaches to attempt to understand this exceedingly weird phenomenon. First, you could close your eyes and ignore any physical mechanism that might be causing the collapse, and just accept that some collapse happens when a measurement is performed. This would be the Copenhagen interpretation. The primary problem with the Copenhagen interpretation is that it doesn't actually describe what's going on at the collapse, and it is amenable to rather absurd interpretations like the idea that whether or not there is an experimenter reading the outcome of an experiment will change its outcome, even though the apparatus remains unchanged.
The second major interpretation is the Bohm interpretation. In this interpretation, it is proposed that there are two sorts of entities: there's wavefunctions, and there's particles. Each particle has a "pilot wave" that interacts like the normal quantum mechanical wavefunction. This interpretation explains the two-slit experiment by stating that the electron itself only passes through one of the slits, but its pilot wave travels through both and impacts the entire screen. The interaction between the pilot wave and the particle provides the probability that the electron will strike any given position on the screen.
The third major interpretation states that there is only one type of thing, the quantum-mechanical wavefunction, and it evolves just like quantum mechanics says it does, with no collapse ever occurring. This is known as the many-worlds interpretation, which will later make sense. It stemmed out of the mind of Hugh Everett III in 1957, who realized that just looking at how quantum mechanical waves interact with one another could easily explain how quantum mechanical waves appear to collapse when measurements are performed. The answer, it seems, has to do with the fact that in order to properly determine what quantum mechanics says about the results of an experiment, we have to not only take into account the quantum mechanical nature of what is being observed, but also the quantum mechanical nature of the apparatus. What he discovered is that when you interact a simple quantum mechanical wavefunction (e.g. an electron that has just passed through a two-slit apparatus) with a complex wavefunction (e.g. the detector apparatus), the wavefunction is split into a group of different components by that interaction, components which are prevented from interfering with one another.
In fact, those different components are prevented from any sort of interaction whatsoever. So, imagine we have a two-slit experiment wherein we're going to measure which slit the electron goes through. When that interaction occurs, the wavefunction of the electron and experimental setup together is split into two parts. One part has the electron traveling through slit 1, with the measurement apparatus observing it going through slit 1. The other part has the electron traveling through slit 2, with the measurement apparatus observing it going through slit 2. The beauty of Everett's picture is that he recognized that this interaction between the apparatus and the electron causes what is known as decoherence: once the two have interacted, the two states are prevented from interfering with one another, due to the complexity of the measurement apparatus.
So, we end up with a wavefunction that is describing two different situations: the apparatus observes the electron going through slit 1, and it observes the electron going through slit 2. Both situations are amplitudes of the wavefunction, but since they can't interact with one another, it will appear to the measurement apparatus as if the wavefunction has collapsed to one state or the other, now that the apparatus can no longer access the state where the other state has been observed.
The discovery of decoherence dramatically changes the playground of quantum mechanics, as it completely does away with any necessity to add new rules to the theory to explain collapse. With the recognition of decoherence, we discover that the appearance of wavefunction collapse was built into the theory to begin with, just by the properties of how wavefunctions interact. Because this theory requires no additional assumptions above simple wavefunction dynamics, it seems exceedingly likely that it is accurate, because any other interpretation is going to require adding new machinery.
And yet, the results of the theory are exceedingly strange. We discover that quantum mechanics predicts that every possible event occurs. It shows that there exist within the wavefunction of the universe a series of approximately classical worlds, each one unable to interact with any of the others. There are literally billions upon billions of alternate versions of you and me, all described by the same wavefunction. Every single event that is actually possible is realized somewhere in this space.
But if science has taught us anything, it's taught us that the fact that something is weird is no reason whatsoever to discard it. So, we should accept the many-worlds interpretation, because the only alternative is to accept a theory that requires more hypothetical and unnecessary entities.
I hope some of you find this interesting