I'm sure this discussion has been had before in a TheChefO thread, but I'm just posting quickly. There's been a shocking lack of progressive development IMO. That is, you float an idea in a simple form as a download, guage interest, and then build on it. eg. Kingdoms of Amalur. That could have been started as a simple dungeon crawler in a download title. If it's well received, roll out some upgrades and then start into a full-sized disc title. If that does well, start into the MMO while developing KOA2. Download titles have given us a chance to test ideas out without having to invest in a full-priced experience, and most importantly to get market feedback.
Or as Scott says, turn development into something more episodic. A typical game progresses along levels. These assets could be created at various intervals, giving financial support the games development instead of needing the full investment up front.
Or even run companion games that generate revenue, like a Halo tactical top-down squad game or something. The sort of thing that gets churned out on tablets but could work fine on consoles only they're being avoided.
Publishers just aren't keeping up with the options and are losing money as a result, IMHO.