THe one good thing about matrix revolutions

DD was pretty all-round sucky IMO apart from Michael Clarke Duncan, who was his usual awesome self. He was the only cool thing worth watching in that whole super sucky-sucky movie.
DD only sucked because they had a contract that forced them to make it a 15 certificate. The new 18 cert director's cut DVD out in the states is supposed the be the film the director wanted to make, and it's being reviewed as being so much better than the original theatrical release.

It's not just adding a few minutes here and there, it's re-editing the film to change the characters and their motives. Daredevil becomes darker and more driven, Elektra is less important, Matt Murdoch's law practice becomes more important and his partner is the comedy element, allowing Bullseye and Kingpin to become darker and more vicious, as well as new courtroom scenes and extended fight scenes.

Basically, we need to blame the suits at the film studio for seeing DD as just an excuse to market lunchboxes to teenagers and have the fanboys gawp at Jennifer Garner, instead of a faithful translation of the comic.

They did the same thing to ruin the Elektra movie, which was all the more disappointing because of the fantastic stories and visuals they could have drawn directly from the comic. Anyone who's read Bill Sienkiewicz & Frank Miller's "Elektra Assassin" knows this is what any Elektra movie should have been.
Guden Oden said:
WTF is this "spiderman killed my dad" Lex Luthor crap doing in Spiderman??? That's not in the comic.

HAHAHA . .I also picked this up MPI .. Guden .. First, Lex Luthor is in the DC universe .. while Spiderman is in the Marvel universe.

Second, Harry Osborn (Norman Osborn's son) does indeed become the Green Goblin 2 (Norman was Green Goblin 1) and yes he does want to kill Spiderman for killing his father.

Only the first two Batman and Superman movies were good. They did sway from the story line though and that became even worse with later movies.

X-Men and Spiderman though were very good in my eyes because it stays with the original story. If only DC could get the movie directors to do so too instead of creating there own shitty version.

Now with Batman Begins .. well it seems they mixing it again. At least they have a few parts of Batman Year One in it though. Only time will tell though.

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
sytaylor said:
Brian who? :oops:

Director/writer of X-Men 1 & 2 - credited with ensuring it didn't suck.

And The Usual Suspects, and some other very very cool movies. He's a good guy, the New Superman movie went from being a popcorn bubblegum Charlie's Angels film to a potentially very good movie when the execs switched the director from McG to Singer...

All i can say is PHEWWW....
london-boy said:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
sytaylor said:
Brian who? :oops:

Director/writer of X-Men 1 & 2 - credited with ensuring it didn't suck.

And The Usual Suspects, and some other very very cool movies. He's a good guy, the New Superman movie went from being a popcorn bubblegum Charlie's Angels film to a potentially very good movie when the execs switched the director from McG to Singer...

All i can say is PHEWWW....

Ahh... righto :)
X-Men and Spiderman though were very good in my eyes because it stays with the original story. If only DC could get the movie directors to do so too instead of creating there own shitty version.

Now with Batman Begins .. well it seems they mixing it again. At least they have a few parts of Batman Year One in it though. Only time will tell though.


Don't know much about comics eh ?

Mary jane and peter did not date in highschool , His first gf was in college( don't remember her name ) then he dated betty brant i believe from the planet , then gwen stacey who was killed on the bridge by the green goblin . Then finaly he dated mary jane .

That isn't sticking with the story .

x-men . Wolverine was not part of the team till much later , Storm was not part of the tema till much later . Jean grey is not a scientest .

They changed so much .

None of them stick to the comics .
I really do not think that Spiderman movies had to really stick to the ORIGINAL since there is a brand new comic for Spiderman based off of the movies.
MJ and Gwen Stacy were basically combined into one character for the Spiderman movie. IIRC, in the comics, Gwen Stacy was killed by the Green Goblin in the "throwing off the bridge scene" as seen in the first movie. Spiderman actually snaps her neck while trying to save her from a certain death at the same time as saving the busload of schoolkids
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
MJ and Gwen Stacy were basically combined into one character for the Spiderman movie. IIRC, in the comics, Gwen Stacy was killed by the Green Goblin in the "throwing off the bridge scene" as seen in the first movie. Spiderman actually snaps her neck while trying to save her from a certain death at the same time as saving the busload of schoolkids


I think movies HAVE to get away from the original story, to some extent. The main issue is to make movies that make sense, and it's hard to make a 2-hour long movie based on a story that's been going on for decades, properly.

JVD, does it really matter if Wolv and Storm didn't get into the team till later on? When is "later on" anyway? In the movies we don't really know when the team was formed, when Storm got in. So it's not that far fetched from the comics. They need to be accessible to people who never read the comics too, u have to remember.
london-boy said:

Well it's more guilt for Spiderman to feel miserable over isn't it?

london-boy said:
JVD, does it really matter if Wolv and Storm didn't get into the team till later on? When is "later on" anyway? In the movies we don't really know when the team was formed, when Storm got in. So it's not that far fetched from the comics. They need to be accessible to people who never read the comics too, u have to remember.

They didn't really have much choice in this because the Xmen have been going on for so long. In fact they took some of the original Xmen characters (like Iceman) and made them a youngster in the school at the same time as you have the new Xmen like Wolverine and Storm, while at the same time original Xmen like Cyclops and Jean Grey are grown up. They totally chopped up the timeline and even had some of the major characters appear as small cameos.

It's really difficult to do good film translations of comics or books that have had a lot more space or even decades of development to develop a world and characters - especially on something like Xmen where there is an extensive cast of characters.

A lot of worthy written material is just about unfilmable in a couple of hours if you want to retain a significant portion of what makes the book or comic worthwhile, so what we end up with in the movie tends not to be what made the book or comic so great in the first place.
Totally agreed. Books or comics or any other kind of adaptation have to be seen as different interpretations of the stories.
It's impossible to keep the original story as it is without cutting or reworking many elements.
In the end, Xmen 1 and 2 were very very good movies, same for the Spiderman movie, much better than anyone could have hoped for, especially after decades of crap movie adaptations from videogames, comics and others.
jvd said:
x-men . Wolverine was not part of the team till much later , Storm was not part of the tema till much later . Jean grey is not a scientest .

They changed so much .

None of them stick to the comics .

Yes Wolverine only joined the team much later .. guess what . .this is later. There's no ways they could've made the movie without Wolverine. And even though the stories aren't 100% accurate, they alot more accurate than DC comics movie with the exception of Batman 1 and 2 and Superman 1. Superman 2 did feel right though. Superman 3 was crap though as was all the Batman's after 2.

Batman is my favourite comic character, so I can only hope that they do a decent job with the movie.