The Eye Toy is here and it is great!

MfA said:
Making it cheap and robust was the challenge.

Speaking of which, does anyone have a clue as to how *cheap* in terms of processing this is? Is it prohibitvly expensive?
Vince said:
MfA said:
Making it cheap and robust was the challenge.

Speaking of which, does anyone have a clue as to how *cheap* in terms of processing this is? Is it prohibitvly expensive?

The earliest example of stuff like this is, to my knowledge at least, is Myron Kruegers Videoplace from the mid seventies:

But artificial vision experiments had been going on long before that, so if done right I shouldn’t think it would consume too much computer time.

Sony has had gesture and image recognition research and technology going on since the mid 1980s so they should know what they’re doing.
The first fruit of that research was the Vaio PCG-C1 from 1998
Bought Eye Toy yesterday, I was surprised that it recognices movement so accurately.
Great fun, especially on parties.
This tech would be cool if it were implemented in for example web browser and file management types of tasks.
Reminds me of the movie Minority Report, where they used those gloves with fibre optics to manipulate the images on the big screen.
Reminds ME of Johnny Mnemonic with the wooden dummy actor also known as Keanu Reeves. Shows how old I am I guess, bringing up a movie from the mid-90s. :)

How do you get the two player Wishy Washy game working so that both players are on screen the same time? Or is it only possible to play 2-player co-operative in single player mode?
I only can get two player game where players take turns, not the split screen two player. Do I need two cameras or what?
london-boy said:
yeah but he's hot... :LOL:

Rofl, get your head out of the gutter please! :) Keanu's not THAT hot. Had we been talking Elijah Wood, then I would have agreed... :)

No seriously! I wish games would create eyetoy support for their UIs; imagine a RTS on PS2 with eyetoy support! Direct your troops by waving your hands and fingers!

Zoom in and out, scroll around, select stuff, etc... How COOL would not that be?!?!? I get excited just thinking about it! :LOL:

So what if you don't have mouse and keyboard, direct finger manipulation would be quicker AND more intuitive. This could be so totally cool! Maybe we'd need to wear small colored balls on the tips of our fingers or something, but it would be totally worth it.

Grall said:
No seriously! I wish games would create eyetoy support for their UIs; imagine a RTS on PS2 with eyetoy support! Direct your troops by waving your hands and fingers

Actually, that's the best damn game idea I've heard in awhile. Should follow it up... or at the least patent it.. heh.

PS. Elijah Wood?! Eww... ;)
rabidrabbit said:
How do you get the two player Wishy Washy game working so that both players are on screen the same time? Or is it only possible to play 2-player co-operative in single player mode?
I only can get two player game where players take turns, not the split screen two player. Do I need two cameras or what?

Yeah, I meant 2 player co-operative. Couples against each other. Very competitive. Remember to get the Yellow sponges out for the added bit of fun. Props improve a lot of the games.

In terms of responsiveness, try this. Go to the playroom and choose the "Bubbles" effect. Now, sit perfectly still in front of the camera. When the bubbles fall over your face, use just your tonge to pop them!
Psycho Mantis in MGS3: "I see you have your red shirt just like the first time we met... Do you ever change your clothes?"

(Not sure if it can recognize the color, though)

This thing could be absolutely awesome for boxing games, throwing granades by moving your hand over your head, etc.

Maybe even face recognition... how frickin cool would it be if you had to disguise yourself to fool the security camera in a building you are trying to infiltrate - to have to make paper mustache, put on the glasses, pump your cheeks to make you look more fat...
zurich said:
I doubt EyeToy will be a breakaway hit.. if anything, more of a slow, creeping 'word of mouth' success. It really seems to be a product that one has to experience before buying into it (ie: marketing will do it no justice).

It sold 190,000 copies in it's 1st week in the UK alone, that's pretty impressive. And with Konami's Yasumi Takase stating that they are developing a EyeToy compatible Dancing Stage game and Criterion also developing a game that will support EyeToy, the future is bright, the future is EyeToy :)
I've also read that MGS3 and next Splinter Cell will support it. It was an interview in some business article where a Sony exec mentioned it.
anyone remember the power glove .... anyone remember u force . Anyone remember that robot for the nes. Or the power pad......

I remember the power pad.... damn track and field .... it made all us fat kids feel even worse that the one thing we did better than the jocks was taken away from us.... our video games ....
jvd said:
anyone remember the power glove .... anyone remember u force . Anyone remember that robot for the nes. Or the power pad......

I remember the power pad.... damn track and field .... it made all us fat kids feel even worse that the one thing we did better than the jocks was taken away from us.... our video games ....

YEAH i remember them and if there is one thing EYETOY has over them, is ease to use and accessability.
all those items u mentioned were from the days where "virtual reality" was "the thing". and of course technology wasnt nearly advanced enough to make a convincing realisation.
fastforward almost 20 years and we have a simple thing u plug on ur PS2. u stand in front of it. u wave ur hands like a maniac. and u have FUN. no worries about where to plug what and what button to push and what else....
it's simple and accessible, that is why Sony are using a 70-ish year old granma to advertise the thing on commercials and in shows.... i'm serious about that last part, i still havent seen her commericals, but she was on the papers the other day... pretty amusing :LOL:
Yeah, I think Eyetoy is more like Dance Mat, than any of the devices JVD mentioned. It's easily accessible, works as advertised, and allows you to actually have some unconventional fun (plus it certainly can have interesting applications in more 'serious' games)