CosmoKramer said:
The issue has nothing to do with geography. Nothing. At. All. I have no beeef with americans not knowing where/what Sweden is - it's a tiny tiny country.
The real issue is that those 22% actually
supported the bombing of that country (unless the embargo wasn't working...

You'd have to be pretty stupid and also rather cold-hearted to give your active support for something like that.
I agree with what you said, but I don't really buy the "tiny tiny country" argument. Sweden may have a small population, but in physical size we are not that small, and in Europeans measures we are indeed quite large. Sweden is larger than Germany, twice the size of the UK, not that much smaller than France and Spain. Also, we're kinda central in norhern Europe with many neighbors, not only the land border with Norway and Finland, but also direct connection with Germany, Denmark, Poland, Russian, Estonia, Latvia and Lithaunia over the baltic sea, and not to forget, direct way to the atlantic ocean too.
Either way, regardless of wheather we're small or not, one should at least know what continent we're talking about, and at least know it's a country, where many americans fail. "Sweden, is that in California?", "Is that a city?", "South america?" (Actual quotes from my 5 days in California

We have like 190 countries in this world. If presented with a list of the names of these countries, one should at least be able to assign 100 of these to their respective continent. Anything less than that is plain ignorance IMO and unacceptable for anyone above 15 years of age who does not suffer from severe learning disabilities. It's like graduating a student who can't multiply two number from 1 to 9.
If 13% of the americans can't locate Iraq on a map, that's quite terrible. Unfortunately, singing GBA and waving the stars and stripes doesn't help either. If you can't even locate the country on a map, you're not even entitled to have an opionion about it IMO. It's the most basic and fundamental knowledge you can have about a country. It's like trying to understand the Laplace transform without knowing the 1 to 9 multiplication table.