The Diceman bashes CNN

Vince said:
Warning: This gets pretty vulgar and it's clearly unintentional.

My take: LMAO! I love this guy. About time more people call CNN out on their reporting. ;)

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Im not sure who thought having the diceman on cnn was a good idea, but they should be fired. Ive seen many instances were he just goes nuts. ;) I guess cnn doesnt have a 5 sec delay and a cough/bleep button. Funny none the less.

He wasn't calling anyone out on their reporting, (and he did in fact run a Gold's Gym in Florida for a couple of years in the early 90's, look it up). All he did was act like a baby with tourets at the mere insinuation that his career has not always been at the peak of super-stardom. A primadonna with a leather jacket. Yeah, real impressive.