The Dark Sorcerer [PS4]

The number should also be 1.6 billion polygons per second right?
The character polygon numbers referred are just the geometry regardless of framerate (so these are the numbers per frame).
Considering the demo had a variable framerate of 30fps to 90fps, for a 70k polygon model that should equal to a range of 2,1million polygons per second to a 6.3million polygons per second already. Correct?
If you add effects, shaders, complex scenery, more characters, etc that polygon budget looks like it could "easily" be depleted. Suddenly it doesnt look that big of a number.
The 360 AFAIR had a theoretical polygon budget of 500 million. 1.6 billion polygons is just around 3 times that.
Certainly it doesnt sound like the same jump from PS2/XBOX/GC to PS3/360
The only thing I didn't like about that tech demo was the particles effects. Some looked good but the fire still looked very "gamey". Doesn't have to be simulated but something more realistic (like in previous Capcom games) would be much better.

Also, when the green screen is visible it seems as if there was a lack of AO going on in the scene. Could be only the flat lighting setup though.
One other glitch I noticed was the depth of Field being applied to the wrong layers. A perfect example is right at the beginning, when the sorcerer begins the incantation, and the staff he's using starts letting off those electrical charges. Notice how blurry those electrical arcs are, it's because it's picking up the DOF that's supposed to be applied to the scene behind the staff. It's like the system didn't recognize that the arcs were that close to the camera. In other shots, the arcs look normal, sharp and detailed. It probably happens in other areas, too, but that one stands out because it's front and center for several shots.
60 000 - 70000 at least a realistic number. I was thinking it is a demo and nothing we will see in game.

Isn´t the old man face only that amount of polys?. I think that Beyond two souls characters are already 30000 polys per character, but their clothes are quite static and not so detailed. Can you get such a jump in quality with only double polys?. I would say just the feather cloak of the sorcerer has more than 70000 triangles.
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Wouldn't it be cool if the PS4 came with a demo disk like in the good ol' PSone days? I mean who didn't love the T-Rex? Sorcerer Demo + Agnis Philosophi + What have you. There should be plenty to go around.
Wouldn't it be cool if the PS4 came with a demo disk like in the good ol' PSone days? I mean who didn't love the T-Rex? Sorcerer Demo + Agnis Philosophi + What have you. There should be plenty to go around.

ha ha ha, I loved the T-Rex demo! I showed it to everyone (even if the person was not really interested :))

they should made the demo downloadable and let me play with the free camera...
Wouldn't it be cool if the PS4 came with a demo disk like in the good ol' PSone days? I mean who didn't love the T-Rex? Sorcerer Demo + Agnis Philosophi + What have you. There should be plenty to go around.

Yes, that would be great. They can then also add that great PS Eye with DualShock 4 tech demo they showed at E3.
One other glitch I noticed was the depth of Field being applied to the wrong layers. A perfect example is right at the beginning, when the sorcerer begins the incantation, and the staff he's using starts letting off those electrical charges. Notice how blurry those electrical arcs are, it's because it's picking up the DOF that's supposed to be applied to the scene behind the staff. It's like the system didn't recognize that the arcs were that close to the camera. In other shots, the arcs look normal, sharp and detailed. It probably happens in other areas, too, but that one stands out because it's front and center for several shots.

That's something present on many other next gen demo including UE4's elemental demo. It's due to depth of field being aplied as a post effect based on the depht buffer . The problem with this is that only opaque geometry has correct depth information from the z-buffer, transparencies don't, so they end up being processes as if they were part of whatever non-transparent object is imediatly behind it. This affects motion blur as well.
Isn´t the old man face only that amount of polys?. I think that Beyond two souls characters are already 30000 polys per character, but their clothes are quite static and not so detailed. Can you get such a jump in quality with only double polys?. I would say just the feather cloak of the sorcerer has more than 70000 triangles.

Maybe the sorcerer is ~ 100000 polygons but it is number we can see one day in a game on PS4 or Xbone for max LOD of main characters :)
That's something present on many other next gen demo including UE4's elemental demo. It's due to depth of field being aplied as a post effect based on the depht buffer . The problem with this is that only opaque geometry has correct depth information from the z-buffer, transparencies don't, so they end up being processes as if they were part of whatever non-transparent object is imediatly behind it. This affects motion blur as well.
Yeah, I figured it was something like that, I just wasn't sure how to put it into those words using game language.. hehe. In any event, hopefully they can come up with some way to tweak that into working correctly if they plan on relying heavily on those effects later on, whether it's during cutscenes or normal gameplay.
ha ha ha, I loved the T-Rex demo! I showed it to everyone (even if the person was not really interested :))

they should made the demo downloadable and let me play with the free camera...
They can load the HDD up with demo content and freebies.
They can load the HDD up with demo content and freebies.

I was wishing for that since the PS3. I was actually vocal about it that Sony should have included either a demo disc or content in the HDD demoing the PS3's features, capabilities and games.
People were buying the PS3 and they didnt know it had internet functionality and in many cases they didnt even know it had BluRay

The PS2 had a nice demo too. But nothing beats the awesome Demo1 in the PS1 package.
So much content.

Edit: If they do the same with the PS4 I will be excited to buy a launch unit just for nostalgia. But for customer purposes it will also help the consumer learn about the features and performance he will otherwise not know about or he would be delighted to see as a surprising bonus.
The T-Rex, Mantaray and Audio vizualizator on the PS1 D1 disk were such delightful surprises that made he consumer see the console under a different light even though they didnt ask for them
Gamersyde version

The Dark Sorcerer Full Demo 840 MB 1080p
Length:12 minutes 5 seconds
Format:1920 x 1080
FPS: 30 fps
Size: 839.95 MB

screens from the real time demonstration at E3.

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