The Age of Doom


Time Magazine has an article about JC/DooM3.
A generation is defining itself through virtual combat, without the casualties or consequences of World War II and the Vietnam War. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll figure out less destructive ways to have fun in Carmack's dreamworld. After all, it would be a shame if, having invented cinema, we made only war movies. Carmack might even be the one to broker that virtual peace. He has a life outside Doomhobbies, charities, not to mention a wife who's eight months pregnant. He doesn't spend much time gaming anymore. But he isn't giving up on the virtual frontier he opened. "There's something fundamentally interesting about that, about the world in a box," he says. "If somebody can be an emperor in a virtual world, with only a cheap computer, is that really a fundamentally bad thing?"
Reasonably interesting, if short, article. Worth a look.

One thing I noticed, they managed to point out Carmacks "mn", which I thought only I ever noticed! :LOL:
Another one...

Here's another one.
"He's a genius, a rare person," Dan Vivoli, executive vice president for marketing at Nvidia, a major graphics technology company, said of Carmack, who is considered one of the few marquee video-game developers.

"We build our hardware to support the features that he wants to include in his games," Vivoli said in a telephone interview while traveling in China on business. "He'll take games to the next visual level."

For example, Vivoli said, Nvidia, based in Santa Clara, Calif., is releasing its Series Six generation of PC graphics cards with features "designed for the stuff that John wants to do.
Why speculate about why nv is in the lead in doom3? It's obviously JC that is the lead designer in Santa Clara. :D
Re: Another one...

DarN said:
Here's another one.
"He's a genius, a rare person," Dan Vivoli, executive vice president for marketing at Nvidia, a major graphics technology company, said of Carmack, who is considered one of the few marquee video-game developers.

"We build our hardware to support the features that he wants to include in his games," Vivoli said in a telephone interview while traveling in China on business. "He'll take games to the next visual level."

For example, Vivoli said, Nvidia, based in Santa Clara, Calif., is releasing its Series Six generation of PC graphics cards with features "designed for the stuff that John wants to do.
Why speculate about why nv is in the lead in doom3? It's obviously JC that is the lead designer in Santa Clara. :D

And there's some truth in that too. :p
Shameless plug

Note: I don't host that site, I don't regularly work for the site -- my sig is just meant to indicate it as my forum "home turf" -- and I don't benefit from clicks in any way. No ad revenues for me. And I "donated" the article to the site. As far as I'm concerned this plug is completely non-profit.
Did anyone else sort of freak to learn that JC had his first child a week ago? (A boy, btw)

Dudes, it is SOOOO hard the first few months with a new heart goes out to him and his family. (In a good sort of way since it's happy, but the first few months are still hard as hell!)
zeckensack said:
Note: I don't host that site, I don't regularly work for the site -- my sig is just meant to indicate it as my forum "home turf"
Ahhhh. I always thought you were a 3DC founding member. "Original 3DC guy" indicates to me that you're a member of the team there, like Rev or Dave here. Perhaps "3DC fo' life, foo'!" or "3DC > yuo" would be clearer. :D Or maybe just "Originally 3DC guy," tho that doesn't sound quite right to me, either, both in terms of the missing article and the implication that you've moved on.

Eh, it's the weekend--grammar be damnedly. ;)
Pete said:
zeckensack said:
Note: I don't host that site, I don't regularly work for the site -- my sig is just meant to indicate it as my forum "home turf"
Ahhhh. I always thought you were a 3DC founding member. "Original 3DC guy" indicates to me that you're a member of the team there, like Rev or Dave here. Perhaps "3DC fo' life, foo'!" or "3DC > yuo" would be clearer. :D Or maybe just "Originally 3DC guy," tho that doesn't sound quite right to me, either, both in terms of the missing article and the implication that you've moved on.

Eh, it's the weekend--grammar be damnedly. ;)
Yeah, it's somewhat goofy anyway. I originally ;) had "Mod at 3DCenter" in my signature, but I resigned from that status. So I had to change the sig.

I like to keep the info in there though, because
1)those are somewhat my roots.
2)to avoid any "is that you?" type of questions.
3)to show native German speakers who want to discuss something with me that there is an alternative place to do so, in a language which may be easier for them.