Temperature in a pentium 4 3.0. (HELP)


Im runing a Pentium 4 3.0 GHZ and at the bios it says the temperture is a 98 degrees celcius. Obviously is not normal. Whats the normal temp in these cpu's?

Also whats wrong, the default fan that came with the cpu is runing and the system temperture is in the 40 degrees range.

Thanks for the help.
Well, you could verify the temperature with some other piece of software - throttlewatch is a good tool. Your bios could be mistaken.

On the other hand why not assume worst-case scenario and SHUT OFF YOUR PC IMMEDIATELY and remove the CPU cooler and make sure that...

A: there isn't some protective plastic label on the underside of the sink that you forgot to remove (good luck trying to get it off now that you've melted it with 100 degree heat! ;))

B: Some thermal interface material inbetween the cooler and the CPU, either in the form of a rubber-like pad (typically protected by a label that Must Be Removed First!!!) or some grease-like goo. If there's just plain metal to metal contact it means you have very poor heat conductivity between the CPU and the sink. Thermal grease should NOT be used if there already is a rubber pad on the sink. Pads are typically a one-shot use, so if you rip off the sink and the pad is torn to pieces you need to remove it carefully. A single-edge razor does a good job after you've let the sink cool to room temperature - make sure you don't scratch the sink tho - and then use oil-free acetone on a cotton swab to get off the last few smears of pad compound. Then apply some decent quality thermal grease in a THIN and even layer - the sink should NOT float on a sea of grease. When you've put the sink back, you should be able to feel metal contact between the two surfaces if you move it around; the grease is only there to fill out the tiny gaps, not act as a barrier.

When you re-attach the sink, make sure it fits on straight and level and doesn't easily rock back and forth. Plug in the fan again and boot up your box and check the temps again. If it still runs crazy hot, you may want to consider contacting the support department of wherever you bought your PC for a warranty return, your CPU could be faulty (or you bad at attaching heatsinks properly :p).
I sincerly apreciate your help.

I downloaded throttle 2.0, i see the green and red graphic. The red one is at 0%.

Listen, when i start the computer and inmediatly go to the bios the temperature was at 80 degrees after 3minutes it went to 98. But it never gets past 98. Shouldnt the maximun be 99 after all?

Lat night i spend 4 hours with the computer on and didnt see anything of slowdown or some funny smell.

What im getting to is that if i can trust throtlewatch so i dot have to open the pc and risk to void the warranty. The place where i bough it is pain in the arse to get to so itll be really nice to not have to go there.

By the way if the cpu was getting 98 degrees hot, will it be a significan throtling even by simply using windows xp?

Again thanks.
Hum hum. Odd indeed. Maybe the heatsink it's not making good contact with the micro. Something similar happened to me a while ago, and that was the problem. Try to press it (carefully) and see if that does the trick.
It was what Guden pointed out.

Funny thing, the guy was assuring me the 98 degree celcius was a normal temperature. When i insisted in opening the case if i went to the store, the guy said then: "look i manage to get the temperture down by aplying the grease".

In the end its still to hot. 69 if i run something more or less intensive like a 3d game.

Do i have anyother options? I insisted them to change me the procesor but its look like theyll come with a million excuses. The first one was: "we dont have the 3.0 right know call next week"

To think i didnt attempt to assemble one myself to avoid this BS.

Thanks for the answers, they were very helpful.
water cooler ?
It's very efficient and noiseless (for some), but it takes room.

I wouldn't like my CPU to go above 40°C @ normal use and 50°C @100% use.
rule of thumb is no hotter than 65c. I hope your are realy 98f. some sensores are just bad . Even if you get a S/W to read it , it still could be a bad sensor. You should do the thermal compund your self. And do it right.
At first it was indeed 98 celcius. Im surprised i had time to format a 120 GB harddrive and install windows at the CPU resisted.

Im only have Quake 3 as a stressing benchmark and it puts the computer at 69 celcius.

I dont think is a CPU problem, its probably what Guden Oden said. Anyway in case those bastards wont replace the processor or heat sink is there any hope that i can get the temp down, withouth spending a considerable amount. I havent fooled around with the PC due to guaranty restrictions but like i said if the tech support doesnt replace the hardware i will have to.
You need to visually inspect your socket/CPU/HSF. Do as per Guden Oden's suggestion. Apply a thin coat of good heatsink compound, then reassemble the HSF. Also update your motherboard's BIOS with the latest available. Your BIOS should give relatively accurate sensor readouts via the CPU temp diode, but software via windows may not be accurate unless calibrated for the particular motherboard. SpeedFan has a happy knack of initializing SMbus sensors very well. Grab Prime95 for stress testing.
Well i did some research on forums, reviews,articles, etc.

This CPU is a Pentium 4 3.0 GHZ with HT technology, i think is calles Presscot. The point is these processors run rely hot, the temperatures from other users seems to match what im getting now, that is 56 C in normal use and 65+ when tortured.

The funny thing is that people that left the thermal pad were getting temps of 80 C, after they removed the pad and used thermal grease it stablished in the 55-65 range.

So i need to find a cooling solution. Do the quality of the thermal grease makes a hughe difference? Im going with this option first since is the cheapest one. Also any pictures of how to properly coat the sink or cpu?

My case doesnt have openings so i was thinking of either removing the cap or at least removing some of the bays caps.

I was thinking maybe separate the HD away from the CPU as well as puting as much space between cd roms and other drives as posible. Will that make any difference.

Also maybe some pictures of how to properly setup fans inside the cases, etc.

Again thanks for your patience and looking for some answers.