Tearaway - Media Molecule [PSV]

Wait what? Tearaway demo? Why have I not heard of this until now? Is this true?

Yes, it's true - but skip the demo and just get the full demo already. It's the real deal, wonderful game. I'm really loving it (7% in or so).

Again, Media Molecule proves master of the UI design. And it's all so fresh - I wish this was also a launch game for PS4 - sure it uses some unique Vita features really well, but it could easily do the same on PS4. But who knows what amazing stuff they'll manage to figure out with the Playstation 4, for which thankfully they're also doing a project.

But this game is wonderful on the Vita anyway. Really lovely. The way they allow you to do your own paper crafting is so amazingly intuitive and smooth. They outdo Apple if you ask me. If I were Sony I would really consider hiring them to at the very least consult and oversee any UI design they do for any of their devices.
Arwin MM showed something strange on the ps meeting, but after playing the tearaway demo I see now the similarities. They must be doing something wonderful and unique like tearaway, for ps4.

Wonderful. Really should check tearaway.me for more of this!

This one is nice too:

No stages, but there is a fair bit of crafting, and very nicely done.
Wow at the Gundam Iota! That's amazing!

Tried out the game.... totally splendid. Great gameplay, great animations, great graphics, great soundtrack, great art... fantastic game!

A real winner. I liked LittleBigPlanet a lot, but this one just does everything right, including the feel of platforming. The best game from Media Molecule so far imo, loving it!
Crafting? YOu mean paper crafting/origami? Or crafting as in games: crafting stuff from items?

Paper crafting. I should hunt some video showing it. Played a bunch more today, I love the frame rate so far too.
Currently downloading it.

PS: I am quite amazed that even after not using the Vita for several weeks and having it in standby mode, I could just turn it on wit still 40% batteries and could directly continue playing were I left...nice.
My Vita has incredibly strong standby life. But I've turned off location services and notifications, so WiFi module is much less stressed.
I noticed that there's also a battery life difference between when you just put the system in standby while running the game, or pressing the home button first back into the OS suspending the game, and then putting the system in standby. Donig the first drains the battery considerably faster in my experience.

I have a 3G model, by the way, but I have that turned off most of the time (though not the location services - those do seem to be a comparatively big drain, also depending on how you've configured Near and such).